hey bottlecap lady ...


New Member
*shakes jar of bottlecaps*

my little jar is full :D you want 'em now, or should we wait 'til i fill up plenty jars?
kuulani said:
*shakes jar of bottlecaps*

my little jar is full :D you want 'em now, or should we wait 'til i fill up plenty jars?
now. NOW. NOW!
um...i mean....now is great for me but i can wait if you'd rather! :D
if ya pm me your addy, i'll send 'em off ...

i have some pretty caps in there from a new local beer that i tried :D
kuulani said:
if ya pm me your addy, i'll send 'em off ...

i have some pretty caps in there from a new local beer that i tried :D
ok...i assumed you had it...my bad.
*is excited

okay, then, i boxed up those bottlecaps & should hit it to the postoffice sometime this afternoon :D
... and it's off!!

and wouldn't you know it, as soon as i wrapped up the box, a friend came over and we drank 2 cases of beers over the weekend ... so, another jar of bottlecaps has been started for you :D the funny thing is i've trained my friend to save bottlecaps for you - he automatically started tossing it into the jar, and he doesn't even know you :D
kuulani said:
... and it's off!!

and wouldn't you know it, as soon as i wrapped up the box, a friend came over and we drank 2 cases of beers over the weekend ... so, another jar of bottlecaps has been started for you :D the funny thing is i've trained my friend to save bottlecaps for you - he automatically started tossing it into the jar, and he doesn't even know you :D
that's awesome! :D at rob's last gig the bartender saved up all the nights caps in a cup for me. i need to sort my collection, it's a darn mess...little baggies of caps laying all over the kitchen. i need to file them in my tackle box.
kuulani said:
so, are these for some sort of craft thing, or do you just have an eccentric collecting itch? :D
a little of both, i fear. i have lots of stuff i plan on doing with them but i am becoming a collector for collectings sake as well. if i see one on the ground in a parking lot i have to pick it up...it's a sickness.
well, your eccentricity is rubbing off, because when i see one lying in the parking lot, i automatically think, "a bottlecap for tonks" :D
kuulani said:
well, your eccentricity is rubbing off, because when i see one lying in the parking lot, i automatically think, "a bottlecap for tonks" :D
WOOHOO! my evil plan is working!
and spliffy...i guess i do.
kuulani said:
:lol2: didja get mine yet? i know it's not much, but i figure every little bit contributes :lloyd:
i was just coming to this thread to say that i got your package! i am so happy! you sent me turtle caps! :D my favorite kinda caps are the animals and i adore the turles caps. turtles are my favoritest! :nudge: uh huh.

this is my happy dance :swing: because you also sent me one with a dragon on it! my other favoritest.
thank you soo much! :D