Hey, Canucks!


New Member
Get ready for real radio.

Canada on Thursday said it would allow two satellite pay-radio services to operate for the first time north of the 49th parallel, but with strict rules about including Canadian content.

The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission, an independent public authority that regulates broadcasting, ruled that two proposed satellite radio services by Canada Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. can go ahead, but must offer more Canadian programming.

Hmmmm. I've already got 300 channels carrying a total of 4 different programs at home, so why not pay even more of my hard earned cash to listen to radio. Yeah, sure. I'll sign on for that.
I started off with rabbit ears on the TV. Then went to a 20' external. Then I made the mistake of satelite. Worst mistake I ever made. It's only recently that I can even get any local news. The only montreal stations they carried were all french. I was stuck with Toronto news and weather. I mean, who really gives a fuck if 3 people were murdered in the rain on Younge street? Not me.
When we first got it, you couldn't get local stations, but you got feeds of all the networks from all 3 time zones. That was ultra-cool. If you had three shows in the same time slot, you could TiVO 'em all. Who gives a damn about local news? The internet handles that anyway.

When they gave us local, they shut that down.
Atlanta is even on my digital cable..."Call today and get YOU a cool job" that's nto even proper english! The Atlanta channel angers me *GRR*
It's proper "anglish" in the south, Nix.

*Akshewly it's pernounced "gitcha." As in, "Gitcha one uh theezyeer cool jobs."*
Nixy said:
Atlanta is even on my digital cable..."Call today and get YOU a cool job" that's nto even proper english! The Atlanta channel angers me *GRR*

Considering that there are more English speaking people in the US than there are in canada, tis you that needs to speak like the Atlanta folks...:p
Nixy said:
Atlanta is even on my digital cable..."Call today and get YOU a cool job" that's nto even proper english! The Atlanta channel angers me *GRR*
The local advertisers are a fun bunch, no? There is no quality oversight when a private small company buys airtime. They can make all the mistakes they want so long as the check cashes... after all... their target audience wouldn't understand the sales pitch if spoken properly.
unclehobart said:
The local advertisers are a fun bunch, no? There is no quality oversight when a private small company buys airtime. They can make all the mistakes they want so long as the check cashes... after all... their target audience wouldn't understand pitch if spoken properly.

I goes ON AND ON about being an air conditioner repair man I think it is...and then at the end the guy says "Call today and get YOU a cool job" it makes me want to PUNCH my TV. If TBS didn't have so many old quality shows like Full House I SO wouldn't watch it.
At least you don't have a commercial of a fat guy in a suit and shades dragging a car into a dealership by rope like he lassoed it or something.
Nixy said:
I goes ON AND ON about being an air conditioner repair man I think it is...and then at the end the guy says "Call today and get YOU a cool job" it makes me want to PUNCH my TV. If TBS didn't have so many old quality shows like Full House I SO wouldn't watch it.

:rofl4: Methinks you are starved for decent television. :rofl3:
What, you don't have a Fox affiliate where they have 3 Simpsons reruns a night, including Saturday? It beats the hell outta Shop Til You Drop. :D