Hey Fluer!

Well, it's got its good and bad points.

Either my high school really prepared me for college, or they were lying their asses off when they said it was hard. According to the syllabi I got from each class, it's basically no different than senior year.

I get hour breaks between classes, and on Thursdays I don't have a class until 4:30. The rest of the week I have no classes before 10. It's awesome. And hardly any homework.

Where my roommates are concerned, well....not so good. Nikki is one of those ultra girly girls...always wants to know what's going on with you, and when you're not talking to her she'll get online and start giggling at random times to get you to ask what's so funny. One of those kind. We really don't get along at all. But I do get wireless high speed!

I'll be moving out at the end of the semester so I can get a job close to home. A friend and I are getting an apartment in the summer, and I'll need all the money I can get.

So yeah. Academically, I love college. I get so much more freedom than in high school. But as far as this whole living on campus thing...no.

Thanks for asking :)
I had a not so good roommate experience in first year...if I was in a traditional residence I would NOT have been able to live with 3 of the 5 people I shared an on campus apartment with...two of them because they were uber bossy and holier than thou and one because all she did was study...I woulda felt like I was living in a library...

Second year I scored an awesome roommate here in my apartment but unfortunately she isn't in this city Sept-April anymore...last year was HELL and this year my roomie seems to be pretty awesome...I guess it's luck of the draw.

As for the lack of homework...give it prolly 3 weeks and get back to me on that when you have like 3 midterms in 3 days and the profs all want papers or assignments in either right before or right after the midterms :D

Glad to hear that overall you're liking it though :)
What classes are you taking?
Usually the Gen Ed classes aren't too bad. Its when you get to the core classes that require a 20 page term paper with at least 10 independent sources, and a 30 minute presentation that sums it up that college becomes a real bitch.
Yeah, they're basically all GFR's.

Chemistry 101....now here's the thing with that. I came in as a declared Bio major, so I was required to take Chem 101. Well, I've switched to History, but it's too late to drop the class so I'm screwed there. Well, I could drop it but I'd have to take up something else because I don't have enough credits to be considered full time. And the options I had to fill that spot conflict with my existing classes. I'll just trudge through it.

Women's Studies 100. Right now it's just a GFR but I'm considering going for a minor in it.

Math 150 aka Pre-calc. Last math I'll have to take as a History major (score!)

English 100. Composition class. Required for everyone who passes through the school system.
Enjoy those class times while they last, kiddo. Most colleges let first time students register real early, then it goes by total credits earned. You'll soon be scavenging those 8AM classes just to keep your full time status. You'll be griping about every class you want/need being full by the time you get to register and being stuck taking Underwater Basket Weaving.

And people wonder why so few can get a 4 year degree in 4 years...
SouthernN'Proud said:
Enjoy those class times while they last, kiddo. Most colleges let first time students register real early, then it goes by total credits earned.

My school is bass ackwards. Freshman and first year transfer students register after returning students do. I just lucked out because I'm taking mostly entry level courses. Hopefully next semester I won't get screwed over though.
I went out of my way to make my mix half punky core classes and half upper level heavy ones so the work load was smooth and predictable all the way through. Not too heavy, not too light.
Remember, college is meant to introduce you to many things...some you'll keep & cherish, some you'll light afire. Don't burn the roommate but it's a learning experience still.