hey Fluff


Well-Known Member
Do you have time to set a spell and tell us all the good and bad in your live? I know discussing you love life would take about 20 seconds, including the carriage return, but how's the business going? Your brothers? Still driving the monster?

We wanna know.
Love life... no comment :p

(that was about 2.3 seconds)

The schooling didn't go too well the last couple semesters. I failed last semester and had to drop out this semester to keep from failing this one too. Need to come up with a different formula...

So, in the meantime, I've been trying to finish coding my game, and manwhoring for donations around the 2 gaming communities I'm known in (KoC and my game) until I can generate decent income from ads. Managed well over $1,000 in a week, which would be fine if it happened every week. I'd guess that I managed just under $10 in the last couple weeks.

Thunderbird is still purring right along, no major repairs since the shocks and struts and springs were replaced about half a year ago. (All of em. :()

Brothers are both 12 now (one is about to turn 13), they have a few friends and a huge house to beat each other up in. I see them just about every other weekend or so, and we occasionally go visit mom's sister for a few days of reminiscing and feasting. They've been over to my place a few times; it's small but easy to heat up and cool down when I need to. All electric, so it conveniently comes on one whopping bill. $71 last month, cause I didn't need to use the A/C and it wasn't cold enough outside for me to want to turn on the heater.