Hey HomeLan

Fuckin' aye! How much will it cost me, is the tranny able to handle it, and what'll it do with my existing rear end and gearing?
HomeLAN said:
Fuckin' aye! How much will it cost me, is the tranny able to handle it, and what'll it do with my existing rear end and gearing?

Tranny's attached, rear end shouldn't have any problem. At least it's not the Viper V10. (unless you happen to have one of those lying about too???)

Now ... that would be a nasty suprise. A Magnum packing the V10.
See ya later! :lol:

The rear end is different for that SRT8's. I run a 2.82 rear end (IIRC). They run 3.06's on the SRT's. That will make a difference in the 0-60 and the power curve.
Hey... any hope of getting that put into my Neon? It should get almost OK mileage on the highway, since I'd barely have to idle it to keep up the speed... but 425 horsepower in a car that 132 is adequate for... yowzah. :D
You know, on second thought... I'd be willing to let HL have the SRT-8 engine and I'll take the "street Hemi" off his hands for him... 340 horses would still be a lot of fun.
sorry Steve, that motor isn't for sale... I just pulled it out of a 06 SRT-8 300. would you believe it doesn't even have 20 miles on it:eek5:
a salesman was going on a test drive with a customer, just pulled out of the driveway and hit a brand new scion. (the scion pulled out in front of him).
Anyway, the Srt-8 is going to the body shop and needed the motor taken out first...
Damn it all... there goes Steve's 425 HP 6.1 Hemi... and there goes my gently-used, low-mileage-but-enough-milage-to-be-broken-in 5.7 Hemi.