Hey, I can cook!


Well-Known Member
I made me a "freedom dip" sandwich tonight, with roast beef, pastrami and melted swiss on a hoagie roll, with some au jus to dip it in. I did a pretty good job, and it sure beats paying like $7 or $8 for a French Dip sandwich at the Hofbrau.
What about store-brand macaroni and cheese with tuna stirred in? Chili warmed up with cheese melted into it, then scooped into tortillas, then more cheese piled on, to make "cheesy chili cheese tacos"?
The "freedom dip" sandwich involved heat too. I used to microwave to heat up the au jus and stuck the sandwich in the toaster oven to toast the bread, heat the meat and melt the cheese.
Now go slaughter, clean & cook a chicken, peel some veggies, boil / steam / strifry - bake a pud and yer there :D
I've never slaughtered my own meat, unless you count catching a fish as that. I have made a lasagna myself, though, and I've got a great spaghetti recipe.
I'm not sure how it would taste by the time it gets from California to South Africa, though. The sauce only holds together for a week in the fridge before it starts to separate and taste bad. I'm not sure how well it would stand up to the temperature extremes you'd find during shipping. That, and I'm too cheap to pay to send several pounds of food across the ocean.
Tell them to do it for free - you're sending food to someone in DEEP DARK AFRICA after all - everyone know's we're all starving or dying of AIDS
I'll just put a big helium balloon in the package with it, and when it lifts off the postage scale I'll tell them they owe me money. :D
If you eat the spaghetti your voice will be fine. If you eat the balloon, then I don't know what to tell you.
AlphaTroll said:
Now go slaughter, clean & cook a chicken, peel some veggies, boil / steam / strifry - bake a pud and yer there :D

Been there, done that...the pud was actually homemade ice cream (alright fine, mom cooked the veggies)
Microwave still counts as bachelor. :)

Granted, I still use te microwave for random stuff when I cook, but Erik is so picky about his food, that what we eat usually involves the stove and the oven.