Hey, Kruz!


New Member
Or anyone else who knows the Dodge 5.7 Hemis. My first oil change will be this weekend. If I wanted to go synthetic, should I switch now, or wait? Or, should I stay with organics anyway?

I'm interested in that subject too, how good are synthetic oils? Do they hold truth to the promised 40,000km oil change?

According to my car's manual, I should make the first oil change at 15,000km (10,000miles??), it seems too much, I'm more comfortable with doing it every 5000km or 7000km as much.

HL, first oil change already?? :eek: what's the mileage?, i've only put 2500km to my car
and we got them by the same time.
Approaching 3,000 miles (5,000 km). That's what I intend to keep the intervals at for at least the first 3 changes, then I'll consider stretching to 5,000 miles.

15,000 klicks sounds like waaaaay too much.
Anytime after 3000miles is okay to go with synth,I've been using Mobil1 synthetic since 10km .I hangout at alot of Dodge forums and the Hemis are also following the 3000 mile rule.
The story as I know it is, you break in one organic, then switch to synth before the engine develops any buildup. That's what I did. Never had a problem going 60,000, changing the filter every 5000.
HomeLAN said:
Or anyone else who knows the Dodge 5.7 Hemis. My first oil change will be this weekend. If I wanted to go synthetic, should I switch now, or wait? Or, should I stay with organics anyway?


let the dealer do the first one...It's free!
then switch over to synthetic..
I woulden't go more than 5k between oil changes even with synth.
Oh. I intended to let the dealer do it this time, unless you'd told me different. So, switch at 6,000? It's worth it?
it's a cost question also, 7 quarts of synthetic will be more costly.
using a good standard oil and changing every 3-5k would work fine.
I use our shops bulk oil (castral) for my own stuff.
and if you wanted our dealer to service it in the future, you can request that I work on it..... :swing:
That was my guess. I was doing the blend since I've heard before that going full synthetic's not a good idea on an engine that's been on conventional oil for 60,000 miles, but figured some of the synthetic benefits would be a good thing to have. I've got five quarts of oil and a new filter in a bag waiting for when I get the chance to change it (I buy 5 quarts, put 4 in the engine, fill the filter and keep the rest in the trunk in case I find myself a quart low or something).
The biggest problem for using synthetics is that the molecules are smaller. That means better lube, but easier leaks. When you've run an engine on conventional oil for a while, the clearances and tollerances wear to a greater extent. Leaks are plugged by the gum that conventional oil generates. Switching to synth then wiht have your engine leaking like a lace doily. But changing too soon will prevent the engine from breaking in properly. But then, engines today are usually broken in on the test stand by the manufacturer.