hey ku'u, did I tell you ....


Well-Known Member
... about the last topic paper I had my class do? They had to write about one of the biggest positive influences in their lives. It could be a person, a place, an activity - anything, as long as it was a great, positive influence for their whole person. Guess who Brada wrote about?

Yep, that's right .. Your Hubby :) I should let him read it sometime.
ahiena? cool.

who did my sister write about.
million bucks says it wasn't me. ungrateful twit ;)
yeah .. ahiena .. I'm gonna have Brada clean it up and show it to him one day. It was really touching.

Your sister wrote about your mom. You know, the one that overrides your punishments :D

i love my mom, but i can't stand it when she let's my sister run all over her!

my sister is a damn brat. last year she got a sony mp3 player for xmas, but was whining 'cause it wasn't the iPod she asked for. that mp3 player broke a couple of months ago after my sister dropped it ... guess what she's getting for xmas this year? an iPod. damn ungrateful brat. my mom got her the 20gb one. if she grumbles that it isn't the new model that can store color pics, i'm gonna smack her.

my mom also bought her a truck a few months ago. spoiled ass. she also has a cell my mom pays for.

did i ever get these things. no. i bought everything i own. [/end rant]
kuulani said:
my sister is a damn brat. last year she got a sony mp3 player for xmas, but was whining 'cause it wasn't the iPod she asked for. that mp3 player broke a couple of months ago after my sister dropped it ... guess what she's getting for xmas this year? an iPod. damn ungrateful brat. my mom got her the 20gb one. if she grumbles that it isn't the new model that can store color pics, i'm gonna smack her.

Nice. So the lesson is "if you don't like it, break it and we'll get you a better one?"

Hell even V 2.0's beyond that, and he's 3.
Was the Sony a hard drive-based player or a flash memory-based player? If the Sony was flash-based and she broke it, then I forecast a very short life for the iPod with it's moving parts.
I didn't even know sony made mp3. I have their minidisc player though and it is AWESOME :)
HomeLAN said:
Nice. So the lesson is "if you don't like it, break it and we'll get you a better one?"

Hell even V 2.0's beyond that, and he's 3.

my point exactly.
i've said this before, but i think my parents had my sister at an age where they were ready to become grandparents. they spoil her ass rotten and send her to live with me :lloyd: