Hey, mac people


Well-Known Member
So the paper I work at finally upgraded computers... I'm on a 20-inch LCD iMac with a 2.16 GHz Intel Core Duo processor with 2GB of RAM and a 250GB hard drive... it's OSX 10.4.8. It's got a lot of nifty toys and all that, and is miles ahead of the old computer I had here (I might consider buying one for myself except this particular configuration costs $1750 before the cost of photoshop, quark, etc.

Anyways, one quick question... is there a way to make Safari show the URL of a link when I hover the mouse pointer over it? Every other browser I've used shows it in a bar at the bottom of the browser window, but not Safari. There isn't even a bar to show it in.
VIEW > Show Status Bar

it'll now show you the link at the bottom of the browser.

Congratulations on the new acquisition! I just picked up two of those for my 6th grade video editing project. Sweeeeeetttt!!!!
There is firefox for Mac OS X... (I checked when I still was using OS 9) but there's not as much reason to replace Safari as IE, right?
no, there's no reason except personal preference .. I use Firefox and Safari - depends on what I am doing online. IE is no longer being updated for Mac.