Hey, Nalani!


New Member
Thanks for the coffee and Ted's new book. Both will be thoroughly enjoyed (and probably both will be consumed).

Who taught you your handwriting, BTW? Karen and I are both jealous.
HomeLAN said:
Thanks for the coffee and Ted's new book. Both will be thoroughly enjoyed (and probably both will be consumed).

Who taught you your handwriting, BTW? Karen and I are both jealous.

HEHE! It makes me laugh when I think of the kids things eat. Also makes me wonder about their tastebuds because paper is really one of the worst tasting things on earth...how I know that is a long story but let's just say it involves a top secret note and two not so bright highschool girls who ate the blank part first and were too sick by the time they go to the part with writing to eat it...
You are very very welcome :)

My handwriting? Umm... it's just regular ole handwriting :D .. thanks for the compliment :) If you want, I can hold classes for you ... just get me a ticket to Georgia and a place to stay :D ... can you just see it now? Handwriting Conferences around the globe ... you wanna be my manager, Steve?

Let me know when you're jonesing for more Kona Coffee ... I'll send straight away :)
our handwritings are very similar .. perhaps we should forge a partnership ... Handwriting Seminars ... plus, you do the whole "font" thing which I think is very cool
alex said:
Nixy said:
HEHE! It makes me laugh when I think of the kids things eat.

Things are eating your kids ?( :eek:

:eek: I don't even have kids! I hope there are not things planning to eat my kids when I have some!