Hey Nixy


New Member
Trans Labrador Highway Newfoundland Canada!!!



You've got family in Newfoundland ,right?

source http://www.edu.gov.nf.ca/snow/photo.htm
[singing]Sleighbells ring, are you listening?
In the lane snow is glistening.
A beautiful sight, we're buried tonight,
Underneath a winter wonderland[/singing]

How in the hell can they be sure they're still following the road and not driving over buried houses? :confuse3:
Squiggy said:
How in the hell can they be sure they're still following the road and not driving over buried houses? :confuse3:

It's Newfoundland {bites tongue to keep from repeating 38yrs of learned newfie jokes}
that's not fair.

We get maybe one snowflake a year down here if we're lucky.

Just a hell of a lot of rain and frost at the worst possible times.
A.B.Normal said:
It's Newfoundland {bites tongue to keep from repeating 38yrs of learned newfie jokes}

I tried....
I couldn't do it. I have no self control. :mope:

You know your from Newfoundland when....
- You design your Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
- You have more miles on your snowblower than your car.
- You have 10 favourite recipes for bottled moose.
- You live in a house that has no front step, yet the door is one meter above the ground.
- You've taken your kids trick-or-treating in a blizzard.
- Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled in with snow.
- You think sexy lingerie is tube-socks and a flannel nightie with only 8 buttons.
- You owe more money on your snowmobile than your car.
- Your snowblower gets stuck on the roof.
- You find -40C a little nippy.
- The trunk of your car doubles as a deep freeze.
- You can play road hockey on skates.
- You know 4 seasons - Winter, Still Winter, almost Winter and Construction.
- The municipality buys a Zamboni before a bus.
mwahahahaha! Love the joke!!!

AB: I do indeed have family in Newfoundland. My family is all on "the rock" though (ie. the island). Labrador is the mainland part of Newfoundland. :)
Here's a look see at the snow when I was there Christmas 2002...I am on level ground...the snow is above my knees...at times it was to my waist...
AlphaTroll said:
Sheewow! Those pics look just too damned COLD!!!! How do people live like that?

:lol2: thats not cold if she has her face showing!! its cold when with less than 15mins of exposed skin to the air invites frostbite (usually around -15 F). It looks like a enjoyable snow there nixy must have been fun for sledding and other snow activites :)
Honestly, you get used to it. It's about -5C here today, and I'm sweating. Coat open, no hat. No gloves.

Granted, we're getting 6" tonight, with added ice pellets for seasoning.
:lol: I was wearing gloves today, and my hands were so hot I almost took em off...winter fucks with yer miind maaaaaaaaaan.
Your body adjusts to the temp

drk: I had ALOT of fun sledding and snowmobiling. My whole extended family was there and they are a BLAST so the whole time was FANTASTIC! I am CONSIDERING going down for reading week...but I want someone to go and I don't know anyone who wants to and who has the same week off :(
Nixy said:
Your body adjusts to the temp

drk: I had ALOT of fun sledding and snowmobiling. My whole extended family was there and they are a BLAST so the whole time was FANTASTIC! I am CONSIDERING going down for reading week...but I want someone to go and I don't know anyone who wants to and who has the same week off :(

I love to play in the snow, and I never get cold.... Wish I could go with you. :mope: