Hey SnP, quick question ..


Well-Known Member
**disclaimer** ... this is just out of curiousity and not meant to be a debate started at all ...

I was just wondering ... as the 50th State of the Union *will shudder at having typed that line on my own time, what with the disclaimer and all LOL**, and having not been around when all the stuff was going down with the Civil War and all, are we considered "yanks" by the South? I asked my uncle (dad's older brother) in Texas before he died and he at a loss LOL ... He said "well, I don't thank y'all could be yanks .. they didn't wear no grass skirts" :D

So what are we considered as by the South?
Exotic? Tropical? A society that spawns hot burly football players that haunt my dreams at night......um...I mean....no....at least this southerner doesn't consider you Yankees :D
The classifications I work from are: New Englanders, Northerners, upper midwest, midwesterners, texans, SW and southern californians, and left coasters. Hawaii is its own thing altogether since its a blend of latino-asian reggae with hippies.
I am far from the official spokesman, but in my estimation....

No, y'all ain't yankees. A) No Hawaiians toted guns during the invasion; B) Y'all don't talk funny; C) Y'all ain't north of here, and D) Y'all seem to have a sense of perspective on things that extends past your wallet.
I thought texas joined the Confeds...?

Oh, yes, prof, we did. After we made the mistake of giving up our independence. Texas was an independent country before joining the Union in 1845.

We should have held out until we disovered oil --- maybe we could have gotten a better deal. LOL
Since I'm a native Arizona boy (from the loins of a Mississippi woman) with a large amount of SoCal thrown in, living in the midwest (meaning no roots here) why does that redneck keep calling me a Yank?
Ah, thanks SnP .. 'preciate it .. but, for the record, we do talk funny :D And speaking of 'yankees', just to change the subject a bit, when we were little, we had *no idea* what a 'yankee doodle' was ... we all thought it was some kind of candy :shrug: LOL

tonksy - you should have seen the UH boys learning their haka (male polynesian dance) last weekend .. spine tingling ;)

Prof - yeah, according to my uncle, it was too little too late when they joined ... and he flew his confederate flag in his front yard - more to piss his neighbors off than anything else LOL