Hey Tonksy!


Well-Known Member
You need to come post more! You're all the way down to 10th in karma. That throws off the balance of Earth's rotation and stuff.
Stop Laughing said:
This makes thread #24 with 'tonks' or 'tonksy' in the title. I don't think I've even gotten 5 yet.

In case you hadn't noticed, she's an attractive young woman. You, on the other hand are simply, umm..., give me a minute here. ;)
chcr said:
In case you hadn't noticed, she's an attractive young woman. You, on the other hand are simply, umm..., give me a minute here. ;)

Well, it's true... Tonks makes a better looking woman than SL. :lloyd:
inky, i have been otherwise occupied and i suppose the earth rotation will sort itself out...either that or we go barreling into some interstellar big thing and KABOOM....one or the other.
i'm here. just having a few....issues in my life right now and just haven't...i don't know...i guess i just don't really feel like chatting.