Hey y'all! Fresh meat!


New Member
Hey y'all. I just registered for OTCentral after seeing it in various peoples' sigs over at Hardwarecentral.

I've been a member over at Hardwarecentral for about four years, and alot of your names are quite familiar to me, but for the rest of you; hey I'm Hikeon3!

Background on me:

I'm 18, a college student at Vanguard University (a small private Christian college with 1900 students) and I love running, hanging out with the girls, and messing around on my computer. I've been on that Atkins' diet for the last eight months and have dropped 65 lbs. I like punk rock, clasic rock, emo punk, and country music.

I enjoy intellectual conversations that end in perverted joking, singing incredibly loud and off key in the shower to wake up the whole dorm floor, mastering every trivial flash game that I come across on the internet and bragging about it, and naming people's future children very lewd and embarassing names for them.

Yeah, that's me. Glad to be here.
Enjoy your stay, stay as long as you like, and I hope you like it here. :beerbang:
Thanks y'all. A whole board dedicated to off topic posting really is my bag. I tend to get off topic no matter what I'm trying to convey, so hell let's have at it!