Hi I'm bobo.


New Member
Your friendly neighborhood newb. Looking forward to wowing everyone with my flamingly brilliant posts.
bobo said:
Your friendly neighborhood newb. Looking forward to wowing everyone with my flamingly brilliant posts.
Sure you didn't mean brilliantly flaming? :lol2:
*lol* Freako - ever gonna change your welcome message? ;)

Welcome, Bobo. Love the nick. Dunno why. :beerbang:

Bobo is the one with the chainsaw :D Anyone else get this show on telly? It's fucking halarious.

EDIT: oh yea, welcome to OTC :drink: :bong::trippy::blow: Do all this and more! Have fun!
Hi bobo, are you a clown.

Oh wait, that wasn't flamingly brilliant was it?

Oh well, it'll have to do.
bobo said:
Your friendly neighborhood newb. Looking forward to wowing everyone with my flamingly brilliant posts.

Or just flaming. We don't care. Well, I don't care. I mean, I do care. But um... look! Over there!

Oh yeah, I was going to run away. Well, don't forget to make some enemies. I mean friends. Where are my manners today?

Try not to step in a poodle.