Hill Day


In St. Louis, MO, it's illegal to sit on the curb of any city street and drink beer from a bucket. This law refers back to the extinct Italian celebration, Hill Day, when beer was served in buckets.

It's not only legal, around the Busch brewery, it's encouraged.
You could probably bring your own, but if they can't see through it, the people at Busch don't believe it's real beer. :shrug:
Back to the dumb laws though, Oral Sex is also illegal in Missouri, just don't tell the wife, ok? :crying4:
Don't worry... In New Brunswick it is illegal to drive on the roads, in Etobicoke (a town in Ontario) it is illegal to fill the bathtub with more than 2" of water, and in England all males over 14 must practice at least 2 hours a week with a longbow.
and yet......Ards said in another thread that he lives in the freest country :sick: