Hillary loses SC...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
but its not about race, right?

Strong black vote gives Obama big boost
Clinton, Edwards have the edge among whites in South Carolina

Notice that headline...as racist as you please. Broken down for you along racial lines so you don't have to figure out for yourself who voted for who. This, folks, is racism at its finest. If you don't think so, just ask yourself one very important question. How do they know who voted for whom?
Here's the scoop. Proclaim loudly that racism is alive & well...they practice it daily.

Have a threat to racism loom (see our former SecofState & the multple jobs of Ms Rice...or a current Presidenetial candidate) and we get told how they are not in touch with the movemment. Then we have the press make a point of showing the black contender did really well-among his peers (notice how they've moved back to his side of the tracks) and they shoutr it from ther rooftops. Not to energize others of his persuasion or to show that we live in a better time than so many believe, but to scare their loyal readership. Well, hell, Martha, if a negro boy can win South Caroline, maybe we ought not miss our local primary, he may win here too. Then what will we do?
I don't care for Obamas politics, but I truly respect his approach to people and the fact he plays it purdy straight for poli. if its gonna be dem in the peoples house, let it be him.... at least I wouldn't feel ashamed.

Its a double edge sword... I hate seeing the issue come up, but I love watching the Clintonistas eat their own crow.
but its not about race, right?

Notice that headline...as racist as you please. Broken down for you along racial lines so you don't have to figure out for yourself who voted for who. This, folks, is racism at its finest. If you don't think so, just ask yourself one very important question. How do they know who voted for whom?

i'd suspect that they prolly have a pretty good idea which voting districts are predominantly populated by black folks. you can probably figure out the rest from there.

like, say, if folks in my area voted for obama, you could pretty much bet your dick and left nut that a shitload of pasty folks and a few asians voted for him.

i don't think most folks would be offended by that being reported.

"well it was ritchie cunningham and his dry cleaners that carried the day for obama..."

oops that might be mildly offensive.
i'd suspect that they prolly have a pretty good idea which voting districts are predominantly populated by black folks. you can probably figure out the rest from there.

like, say, if folks in my area voted for obama, you could pretty much bet your dick and left nut that a shitload of pasty folks and a few asians voted for him.

i don't think most folks would be offended by that being reported.

"well it was ritchie cunningham and his dry cleaners that carried the day for obama..."

oops that might be mildly offensive.

---------> My point.

---------> Your head.

Question...Why was race put into the headline...and further into the body...of this story? MSNBC is the only outlet that focused on racial backgrounds in the voting as well. Fox didn't. CNN didn't, either. Hell...even the BBC didn't put it in their copy. There was no need to interject race into the story whatsoever...it wasn't important. They didn't put it into their story when Bill Clinton carried the 'black vote', so why now, when Obama carried the 'black vote'?
i don't know dude. but i can tell you that every asswipe and his brother, sister, and snaggletoothed cousin is utterly obsessed with such racial and ethnic distinctions in the marketing world - and often this is because they have no other explanatory or targeting rationale, so they stick to some bullshit, outmoded formality. but i believe marketing and politics, as least as far as segmentation goes, grew from the same historical/disciplinary cow pie.
Obama isn't black. He's mixed.

or at least that's what we'd say in the 19th century.

but today, knowing that race is an identity construct rather than a biological, well, anything, we can pretty much call him black. though i probably know a few other black folk that wouldn't...
or at least that's what we'd say in the 19th century.

but today, knowing that race is an identity construct rather than a biological, well, anything, we can pretty much call him black. though i probably know a few other black folk that wouldn't...

Like any other politician, he's what gets him votes that day.