hmmm during a time when Air marshals are needed.


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
WASHINGTON, July 29 — [font=TIMES NEW ROMAN, GEORGIA, TIMES]Despite renewed warnings about possible airline hijackings, the Transportation Security Administration has alerted federal air marshals that as of Friday they will no longer be covering cross-country or international flights, has learned. The decision to drop coverage on flights that many experts consider to be at the highest risk of attack apparently stems from a policy decision to rework schedules so that air marshals don’t have to incur the expense of staying overnight in hotels.[/font]

now this just goes to show whats important. The allmighty dollar.
its sad to see the dollar is being valued above life. thats pathetic. to save a few dollars theyre willing to risk lives. money is much less valuable than life.
I still say, arm every passenger uponboarding & account for the weapons befoer disembarkment. If 250 people have Colt .45's, the one asshole will think better of it. :D
Gonz said:
I still say, arm every passenger uponboarding & account for the weapons befoer disembarkment. If 250 people have Colt .45's, the one asshole will think better of it. :D
Here's a crazy idea...cut the budget 50% on all social programs except social security. Then you'll find the money to properly protect cross-country and international flights. In fact, you'd even have enough money, in 25 years or so, to pay back the national debt...including interest.
depends how many fruits with guns you end up with when handing out handguns to passengers. you might end up with 250 potential power-crazed gun-totting terrorists ;)
So in that case you just wait for them to sort themselves out and then let the crew take out the one or two that are left over... ;)