Hola ochez76


You made it!.....Now relax....

BTW...Your custom title is whatever you want it to be. It shows up under your name when you post....:D For instance, mine is "Forever a Frog"
Squiggy, is this another one of "Those" people that you brought here? :hmm:
Squiggy has a fan club and I wasn't invited?! I've got to be the biggest fan of frogs here, though. :( In fact, as soon as I get off my lazy arse, that's what I'm decorating my kitchen and dining room in is frogs. :D I already have a checkbook of frog checks and a frog-shaped pen to write them with ...

D'oh. Off topic. Welcome to the mess, Ochez76
Ochez was a member at a NIN forum I frequented. Unfortuantely, the webmaster is closing it down and she's looking for a new "home". I directed her here.
hi ochez

welcome to OTC :headbang:
hey welcome to OT central! post lots! have fun! NIN rocks :trippin:

well theyre older stuff does theyre new stuff isnt as good