Holy Blast-from-the-Past


Well-Known Member
I was trying to find a picture of my mother taken years ago at the crater. It's probably one of the most beautiful pictures of her I've seen. I thought I had it on a disc somewhere but I couldn't find it .. but then I remembered that I posted it on JJR's .. so I went there (am still there) to look for it and got caught up reading old threads .. holycow! Talk about memories .. some of those incidents I *totally* forgot... like the first time I realized my son was becoming interested in girls ... and the time the married dude asked me out (HomeLAN scolded me LOL) ... and the time I moved to Hilo ... and the thead that I started just saying "blah blah blaaah" - and it went on for 2 pages :D ... I can't believe we've *known* each other this long ..

It's funny .. in a lot of them, we say we have a certain movie 'on video' .. geeze .. I feel 'dated' LOL

I still can't find the picture, by the way ... I don't even remember if it's a thread I started and if it is, I don't remember what I named it :D .. so I'll just keep reading and getting nostalgic.
Yeah, I spent quite a few sleepless late-night hours there when the site opened back up.
Professur said:
And now you know why it was so important to have it back.

Never thought it *wasn't* .. just never gave it any thought. Was there some issue with having it back? Where did it go? Remember, I was gone for a while ...

by the way, I never did find that picture .. grrrr....
It was down for almost two years because JJR ran out of people to pay the bill. JJR's in a better financial situation now than he was then (or so it appears) and when he was talking about bringing the site back, there were questions as to whether it should open up as read-only so we'd have the memories back, or open as a regular message board with posting enabled.