Home renovation teaser pics


New Member
When this is all done (assuming that day ever comes), I'll do a before/after layout, but for those of you who've been here before - and there are several - I though these might be worth a chuckle.

The first is standing at the base of the steps, shooting into the kitchen. You can see there's a large chunk of wall missing.

The second is the new kitchen floor - quite an improvemnet over the 1985 linoleum.

The third is the new pool liner - just went in this week.
OoooOOOOOoooh purty! I've never seen it before though but it looks nice to me!

I bet you can't wait till it's all done and over with and you're back to normal! How's the family's sinuses doing?
Gorgeous floor, is that 12 x 12 ceramics? Curious if it isn't too nosey, what was the labor cost to do that ceramic, by the foot? What did they supply for that?
Just out of curiousity... how come they tiled underneath where the cabinets will go? Seems like an unnecessary cost to me.
ok. let's cut to the chase. am i gonna be jealous or what? are you getting that countertop i was drooling over?
*wants a new countertop but has no valid excuse for doing so.
The family's sinuses are in hell, but that's due to the pollen as much as anything.

Those are 12X12 ceramic tiles, the labor is built in to my quote, everything provided including removal of the partical board som idiot put under the linoleum, all disposal inclusive, total cost right around 3,500 (or ~10/sq ft).

Under the cabinets is done as well because I want it that way. If I ever need to redesign, I don't have to fuck with flooring.

I certainly hope you're jealous. At these prices, I'm gonna be heartbroken if you're not. :p And yes, if you're talking about the granite counters, we did get those. They'll go in last.
HomeLAN said:
I certainly hope you're jealous. At these prices, I'm gonna be heartbroken if you're not. :p And yes, if you're talking about the granite counters, we did get those. They'll go in last.
we need a green with envy smilie.
looks very nice-congats to you-ENJOY! Lovethe 1/2 wall, growing up we used o have one from the dinning room to the kitchen.I miss it. The pool looks it is going to be a blast also! Sit in a float and drink a beer for me my friend!
Hey!??? Is it a heated pool???
The pool is not heated. There is no real desire to heat it. All it would do extend the early part of the pool season by about 2 weeks at best. There is no way they would keep it open year round. The two major buffers in the weather in this area are the mondo pine/pollen blooms of April (which cover everything in yellow snowdrifts) and the sudden leaf-fall in early October. Either one of those 2 week to month long times would choke and destroy the pool pump and put several inches of gunk in there. The thing has to wrapped up tight. He could build a lanai to get past it... but then his response is 'You got the 17,000 to build it? Go right ahead.'