Home Sweet Home

ooooooh your new Kitchen is BEAUTIFUL!!! I also love the pattern on the sofa and footstool in the lounge!!!

I've got some of my place when I first moved in a few years ago but I'll get some fresh ones when i get this place tidied up (hopefully this afternoon)
Yeah, I waited a long time for that... 8 goddam years they were promising me one. I ain't moving now unless the new kitchen is at least as good... It's the one room in the house that is always spotless, I'll probably wear it out cleaning it... closely followed by my bathroom.

After that it just goes downhill all the way... :lol:

I made the throws, covered the footstool and put new legs on it myself. I couldn't get one tall enough after they put the risers on my chair to make it easier for me to get in/out of it.

It took me 4 weeks to clean, clear and rearrange all the rooms. Much as I would like to be able to do things quicker, I have to take frequent rests as physical exercise exhausts me. I have a raised dyastolic blood pressure (dyastolic dysfunction) which manifests itself like heart failure, as well as arthritis in my left kneed and hip.
Aunty Em said:
I made the throws, covered the footstool and put new legs on it myself. I couldn't get one tall enough after they put the risers on my chair to make it easier for me to get in/out of it.

Well, VERY good choice in material!!!
Yeah I love that colour combination. I'm very glad I did the clear out, it kind of put a lid on that period of my life from when Katie was born up until her death and the early grieving period. I feel now that I can go on and look to the future. I know that I will always feel a great sadness at her passing but I have many wonderful memories to keep me going and I will never forget her.

The boxes are still in the lounge. I'm gonna be going to a few car boots when the weather improves in the late spring to see if I can raise some money towards Katie's headstone, but I probably won't be able to get it until I'm working. I really want her to have a nice one that reflects her personality and all that she meant to me.