homophobes more aroused by gay videos


this is a pretty interesting article.


for those of y'all that get bored reading academic articles, the thrust is that homophobes tend to get a bigger boner when watching gay porn than non-homophobes. check out the boner graphs on the third page.
This is news?

It reminds me of an Emo Phillips bit where he talks about hearing that you were afraid of homosexuals because you were secretly afraid you were one. This evidently worried Emo because he was afraid of dogs.
This is not really any great surprise to anyone, is it? The key word part being Phobe, meaning afraid of. But it's to be understood that not everyone who thinks same sex attraction is wrong is afraid of it. Far from it. Homophobe is a term coined by, and used by .. homophiles. Used to insult, denigrate and marginalize non-homophiles. I'd be very surprised to find true 'homophobia' in more than 5% of non-homophiles.
right. it's only the ones with vigorous, condemning public commentary on gays that are likely ashamed and closeted themselves. like people who litter internet forums with stuff about how gays are after the children.
right. it's only the ones with vigorous, condemning public commentary on gays that are likely ashamed and closeted themselves.

A rather tumescent point of view. :rolleyes:

Does that mean temperance advocates secretly yearn for alcohol? Does that make them closeted alcoholics?

You may have missed the part where the authors said:

"Another explanation of these data is found in the theory of the role of anxiety and attention in sexual responding. Because anxiety has been shown to enhance arousal and erection......it would indicate a response to homosexual stimuli is a function of the threat condition rather than sexual arousal per se."


"In our opinion, negative attitudes and cognitions toward homosexuality are probably not sufficient to warrant the label of homophobia."

hmmm. OPINION of the term "homophobia" nullifies the obvious physical pattern of arousal? nope. boners still in da house!

"another explanation?" hmmm. sure, and hitler could have done what he did because of space aliens. but what was that razor thing, the bill guy from occam? go fish....

i'm a simple man. i don't understand all that fancy stuff like "tumescent." i just know that fag-bashers got chubbies when watching gay porn ummmkay? seems obvious to me.

and yes, teetotalers WISH they knew how to have a good time.