honor among tea partiers

I'll wait for the rest of the story before responding to the Walsh thing, but....

You think people should be more like the lying progressive liberal pres.?
why don't you stick to the question of personal honor with the tea party hero?

obama certainly puts a spin on politics, they all do, but we're taking personal responsibility and honor. i thought that was one thing the tea partiers were all about.
as to the question.....

didn't you read the first of my post.
I said I would. I'm just waiting for now to see the 'whole' story.
Too many unanswered questions atm.

How long has he owed the money?
is that the real figure he owes? (there seems to be some question by his lawyer)
How old is/are the kid(s)?
How long has he been divorced, or is he?

What does any of this have to do with his ability to 'represent'?

BTW 'hero' is your term.
I haven't heard any tea partiers say they had a hero.
Most say 'the person' isn't as critical as 'if they actually represent'.
um, right. character has nothing to do with his ability to represent. sure he might run derelict in his duties while he's off philandering, or make dishonest deals just to take care of himself and his buddies. but character doesn't matter. maybe we should get anthony weenur back in office while we're at it. WTF dude?

i guess i ignored the first part of your post because you were already trying to pose counterpoints. which means you are already discussing, regardless of your "wait and see" claim.
LOL, minx expects saints or better from the right.

Tax cheat, put him in charge Americans fiances.

Job exporter, make him czar of job creation.

Pedobear, make him safe schools czar.

you're too funny minx.,
yeah minx, you don't even want me to get started on the ethics of the progressive left-wing liberal Dems.
Not too many stand-up people there to point out at all.

Besides, won't you look silly if this story turns out to be mostly bogus?
What are you talking about cat? the left doesn't have morality beyond what big brother offers them.

Morality is like salt on snail with them.
yeah minx, you don't even want me to get started on the ethics of the progressive left-wing liberal Dems.
Not too many stand-up people there to point out at all.

and there's the clincher.

i don't care if it all turns out to be a massive hoax. i'm not personally attached to the outcome. it's just entertainment.

in any case, it appears that it's just the amount that's in dispute. so there is at least something there. here's a little piece of knowledge for ya: lawyer's don't tend to take cases where they don't see a payday.
If the story is accurate, then he should booted next year. Like cat, I think there's
more to the story. Where was his ex-wife last year, during the election?