Hooking up the Playstation


Staff member
I'll get the insults over with first, it's lame, and I'm a loser mom and it sucks, and it's obsolete, and I should've got a better something.

Anyway, I got the kids a PSone like


today. Cause they have a ton of old PS1 games. It was $30, new in the box, except for the cord which looks like

On the one TV, I ran it through the VCR cause the TV has no hookups. I can't hear or see it...except when I'm going to or from the aux channel, I get a blip of it. The old crap broken laser PS1 splash screen I can still see. (different hookup cord sadly). On the other Tv, going directly in, I can hear it fantastically but not see it.

The question is, is it the cord or the console?
Leslie said:
I'll get the insults over with first, it's lame, and I'm a loser mom and it sucks, and it's obsolete, and I should've got a better something.

Anyway, I got the kids a PSone like


today. Cause they have a ton of old PS1 games. It was $30, new in the box, except for the cord which looks like

On the one TV, I ran it through the VCR cause the TV has no hookups. I can't hear or see it...except when I'm going to or from the aux channel, I get a blip of it. The old crap broken laser PS1 splash screen I can still see. (different hookup cord sadly). On the other Tv, going directly in, I can hear it fantastically but not see it.

The question is, is it the cord or the console?
took it back over there, it's the cord. dammit.
$14 Yeah I know its half of what you already paid :rolleyes: Radiaoshack or {cringe} Walmart may have them cheaper.



The Universal S-Video/Audio Cable is compatible with PS2, PSX, PS One, N64 and GameCube. Use S-Video connection for maximum resolution. It also includes a RCA Video connector for alternate video output and is made of a 6 foot braided steel cable. More Info

Note it says it works for all Game systems ,I seem to remember you saying one of their dads family bought them a Nintendo(?) or something ,the cord for that may work then.
There's only the one kind of slot in it, and of all the cords and wires here I can't find one like it. I found one at the Radio Shack for 9.99 I can grab tomorrow. So much for tryin to be nice lol. Now I have a pack of disappointed kids.

Oh well. $40 for some entertainment is still cheaper'n cable.

They threw in a Speed Racer game when I bought it cause Avery looked cute at them. I can't wait :jump:
Call the neighbor kids with a PS2 & ask for one of theirs. Cords off the PS1, not for their PS2 :D
done that...they're all given away or garbaged :lloyd:

I don't wanna let them go too far afield, begging for PS1 cords is liable to get them beat up lol.
The new cord works, everyone is happier than pigs in shit, and mom doesn't suck for today.

I let the older guy walk over to Radio Shack himself with a $20 to get it. Now he is all sticking his chest out proud, thinking he's king shit of turd island. I can see this being a problem lol.
Sorry, I wish I'd've seen this earlier, I may have an extra cord since I bought the RF hookup for the PS2 (really old TV and it's cheaper than repairing the VCR). I don't think you'd want my spare controller, the X button's almost shot, and my memory card is still needed (can't save PS1 games on PS2 memory cards, what up wit dat? :shrug: ) and my power cord happens to match the one for my battery recharger, and of course the original for that one's long gone. Basically all I have to give away is the cable you needed and the unit itself, but it's filthy and old. If you really want some of my FF games from it, I may let you have them (if they still work, many are pretty scratched up, FF9's disc 3 won't even load at all) or some sports games my bro's got (I have no idea what he has specifically), lemme know.
Leslie said:
I let the older guy walk over to Radio Shack himself with a $20 to get it. Now he is all sticking his chest out proud, thinking he's king shit of turd island. I can see this being a problem lol.
Did the RSs system pop up a thing asking if he wants to buy a RadioShack Service Plan on it? I'm constantly amazed at some of the stuff it wants me to offer service plans for... like $5 M&M's radios (the service plan is 2.99).