Hooray for me


Southern Discomfort
At long last, I managed to catch one of my parolees on a violation. It's a murder case, he served over 22 years before being released. He was out almost 2 years and lived just a few miles from me on some back roads. Got him on a drug screen. He's been picked up and is back in custody.

This guy was sitting around with about 5 other people one evening many years ago. They were drinking and carrying on as folks will do. They got to talking about how mean each of them were. This guy became the whipping boy so to speak, and a statement was made about how "yellow" he was. He left, and returned a short time later with a shotgun. He allegedly went in and said words to the effect of "I'll show you what a man I am" and blew a guy away.

I suppose he did exactly what he said he would, huh?

We're better off with him locked up. Took awhile to catch him at it, but better late than never. Life sentence, so he's likely going back forever this time.

And yes, I do celebrate things like this. I sorta like safe streets myself.