

New Member
Alas, my searches for a humourous-cum-serious forum lead me here, being somewhat bored of the same old "capitalist vs. communism", "macintosh vs. linux vs. windows" and, naturally "US vs. the rest of the world" dribble. One cannot fathom how another site can be as similar.

Anyway, after apparently signing up here a while ago and completely forgetting about the place, I return to do something with my account, hopefully petinent and useful :thumbup:
Frozzy said:
being somewhat bored of the same old "capitalist vs. communism",
Welcome,but after reading your above comments ,I must strongly recommend you stay out of the RealWorld Forum.
No, these capitalism vs. communism arguments have pretty much split one forum into an abyss reminiscent of Flanders Field. Your either a commie or a capitalist, and if your inbetween you get the short end of the proverbial flamethrower, to put it bluntly.
Frozzy said:
No, these capitalism vs. communism arguments have pretty much split one forum into an abyss reminiscent of Flanders Field. Your either a commie or a capitalist, and if your inbetween you get the short end of the proverbial flamethrower, to put it bluntly.

Yep ,that our RW all right
How unfortunate. Having said that however, looks slightly different from the continous "U.s.a r0x!" "uSa sUxxx0rz!" slugfest which slowly consumes any semblance of intelligence from a thread.

Seriously, it's the epitamy of a political miscegnation.
Frozzy said:
I return to do something with my account, hopefully petinent and useful :thumbup:

Are ya sure yer've got the right place? Yer have had a bit of a read through the forums ain't ya? :confused:

Welcome anyway......try and have a lil' fun while yer here :lloyd:
Frozzy said:
Alas, my searches for a humourous-cum-serious forum lead me here, being somewhat bored of the same old "capitalist vs. communism", "macintosh vs. linux vs. windows" and, naturally "US vs. the rest of the world" dribble. One cannot fathom how another site can be as similar.

Anyway, after apparently signing up here a while ago and completely forgetting about the place, I return to do something with my account, hopefully petinent and useful :thumbup:

Agggh! No big words at this time of night! My poor brain can't take them!

Steweygrrrr, resident nutcase welcoming you to OTC. Oh and don't listen to Gonz..... he only thinks he's right
Hey Gay Basher, you can't tell me how to live. Quit being a bigot!
PuterTutor said:
Fuck you Stewey, you damn Commie.


Capatalist pig dog!!!

And prof gay men (and especially women :devious: ) can practice their sexuality however they want!! Bigot!! :gay: