How do you claim rights to a word?


New Member
Was just wondering, because a few days ago I had a brainfart and produced something of unprecedented genius. :D





spacktard.gif, 32.16kb

You can try a copyright, but, if it works, that word will drop out of usage. Could you imagine the royalties if someone publishes that word in a major magazine?
hey, moof, i just bought :D :D

product website project soon [once i finish other work...] :D

If you start using the TM mark each time you post or use that word in any public format, it gives you limited protection for further use.

Specifically, if someone else starts using it, and you can show documented history of your use with the TM symbol, they will have to stop using it. If you go further and register the trademark (this is all in the US by the way, don't know how this applies to Europe, if at all), then other companies are required to look on the registered trademark list and see if any logo/catch word/phrase they wish to use is listed. Should they fail to do this, and not know you have registered it, and use it anyway, you have the right to suit.


I should get something if you make money from the word... afterall, I gave you the inspiration to create it. :rofl2:
Actually, I figured you were talking about Chocomochomachomuchoeasterislando, not Spacktard.

But I like Spacktard better anyway! :D
Yeah, you tell him, ris! :mad:

No chocamoistarousalareolaperineum for you, OSLI, you spacktard. :D

i guess you don't want the withdrawal pangs either [unpleasant at present, but we hope to soon bring it down to a mere frnatic craving], you pussy D