How do you do that?


Staff member
So...I'm in a cab tonight for the dreaded Walmart ordeal with my 3 hellions. The guy picks us up and drops us, and happens to be the one to get us on our way back home. (that NEVER happens)

REALLY nice guy. Telling me all about his girls who he visits on alternating weekends in different sides of Ontario, and on and on, talking and talking, really funny and interesting, and then at the end he stops in the driveway and makes balloon animals for my kids just for the hell of it. awwwwwwwwww.

But I'll never see him again.

I was half-wishing he'd ask for my number or somethin. And now I am regretting not getting his. I've never been single before. How do you do stuff like this?
Leslie said:
I was half-wishing he'd ask for my number or somethin. And now I am regretting not getting his. I've never been single before. How do you do stuff like this?

You're really nice, thanks for the good service, next time i need a taxi how do I manage to get you?
Call the cab company...tell them how AWESOME your driver was...request his name so you can ask for him again next time...they will prolly have to ask his make sure you tell them who you are so they can make sure he knows who is asking.

I've ended up with the same cabby from Chris' house to my house like 3 times...over like 4 time 2 days in a row...I guess maybe they work the same area usually...
You just gotta hang your stuff out there and ask. Next time just say, "My name is Leslie, would you mind if I called you for dinner sometime?" or, do like Nixy said. But you gotta hang your nads out there, or whatever we women have. :)
Yeah, guys like it when a girl flashes her nads... but when a guy tries that, the cops get called.
I've been asked out a couple times. Usually just asking works. "Would you like to go out sometime?"
Yeah, call the cab company.....tell them you had a cabby and he was to request his service again....Worth a try, Eh...Les! :swing:
You never know, the next time you want to go to wal - mart he may have remembered your address and turn up. He might be having the same dilema at the moment.
Luis G said:
You're really nice, thanks for the good service, next time i need a taxi how do I manage to get you?
Wow, good one Luis. :)

Lopan could be right, he might swing by next time. Any chance of getting a babysitter and calling for a cab to go back to WalMart? You could request that he drive you, if he's available. At the very least, you could probably find out his name.
PT said:
I've been asked out a couple times. Usually just asking works. "Would you like to go out sometime?"

I agree. Well, except for the having been asked part. That never happened to me.
Oh wow.. I can't wait to see how this pans out... get in touch with him!!! He was probably all intimidated by your beauty - so make the first move!
All this work & foreplay...bah...just announce you're horny - all guys respond positively to that :D
Yeah what age are his Daughter(s)?
Mebbe that boy using up all the hand lotion
could get his motion on too.
I think I just need to grow some nads. :eyemouth:

He probably couldn't cause it's his job, and if I was the shrieky moany type I'd call and complain. But I have no excuse.

I guess his girls were tiny, he'd said he had a good four years left before he got into the whole boys thing.
That puts them anywhere between 6 and 12, depending on how delusional he is.