How far left


molṑn labé
Staff member
"George Bush called this the ownership society but what he really meant was 'You're on your own society.' And John McCain apparently wants to continue this."

Finally, some reason to back McCain.

I'm beginning to think that Barac may be left of Mrs Bill-by a lot.

“Now we’ve been down this road before. It’s the road George Bush has taken for the last eight years. It’s the idea that the government has no rule at all in solving the challenges facing working families. That all we can do is hand out tax breaks to the wealthiest people and let the chips fall where they may. George Bush called this the ownership society but what he really meant is you’re on your own society. If you lose your jobs your on your own. If you’re a child in poverty pull yourself up by your bootstraps you’re on your own. If you were lured in by deceptive mortgage practices you’re on your own,”

That is America sir. If you chose beauracracy & hand outs, might I suggest Cuba?

yeah too bad you can't just vote for the dude you'd rather have a beer with.

i just can't get behind the whole socialized medicine, et cetera, thingy....
It falls under protection as much as police and fire departments do.

It's not the government's job to bail out loan sharks for 200 billion tax dollars but I don't see you bitching about that.
It falls under protection as much as police and fire departments do.

Police & Fire are LOCAL.

It's not the government's job to bail out loan sharks for 200 billion tax dollars but I don't see you bitching about that.

No, it's not the business of gov't to bail out businesses. However, when they don't, the left complains about the lack of concern by government. Also, a business produces taxable income I hires folks producing revenues for the government. There is some reciprocation there.
Police & Fire are LOCAL.

What's your point? You'd be ok with the healthcare if it was funded by the state? Obviously you must be very against the FBI right?

No, it's not the business of gov't to bail out businesses. However, when they don't, the left complains about the lack of concern by government.

Don't blame this on the left when you know very well the right is responsible.

Also, a business produces taxable income I hires folks producing revenues for the government.

Individuals fill jobs and produce things too, especially when they're healthy.

There is some reciprocation there.

No, there was a bunch of corruption there. Some fat cats got very rich with shady business practices them had the government bail out the company. And then you made excuses for them.
spike said:
shady business practices

Giving homeloans to those in need of homeloans is now considered shady business practices? Wow.

spike said:
You'd be ok with the healthcare if it was funded by the state?

No. However, it's a whole lot closer to state than federal. The UNITED STATES are not the FEDERAL STATES of America (shut up SNP)

You are so set to have the federal gov't run your healthcare but you don't want GW listening to your overseas phone calls to Mutaq. WHy is the government knowing EVERYTHING about you good unless you're talking to terrorists?

Want federal medical care? Join the Army. Keep Uncle Sam outta my health.
Giving homeloans to those in need of homeloans is now considered shady business practices? Wow.

Nope, that isn't the shady part. But you knew that.

Pretty easy to see something was wrong when they need a 200 billion dollar bail out isn't it?

No. However, it's a whole lot closer to state than federal. The UNITED STATES are not the FEDERAL STATES of America (shut up SNP)

So you are against the FBI, Homeland Security, etc then. Good to know.

You are so set to have the federal gov't run your healthcare but you don't want GW listening to your overseas phone calls to Mutaq. WHy is the government knowing EVERYTHING about you good unless you're talking to terrorists?

Why are you so trusting with government warrantless wiretaps and holding US citizens without trial but don't trust them with something as proven as healthcare?

Want federal medical care?

No, I'll just vote for leaders with a good plan. Maybe we can start catching up to the quality of healthcare other countries have. Don't like it? In Obama's plan you can always opt out.
Nope, that isn't the shady part. But you knew that.

Pretty easy to see something was wrong when they need a 200 billion dollar bail out isn't it?
Then you are in favor of not giving the little guy a break?

So you are against the FBI, Homeland Security, etc then. Good to know.


Why are you so trusting with government warrantless wiretaps and holding US citizens without trial but don't trust them with something as proven as healthcare?

Overseas phone calls to/from countries with known terrorist ties.
They used to shoot traitors...none of this jail crap.
My health, my businhess, my choice.

Maybe we can start catching up to the quality of healthcare other countries have.
Say, weren't you the one going to Sri Lanka to get your appendix operated on?
I don't see many folks fleeing the US for better care.

Don't like it? In Obama's plan you can always opt out.

So, I don't have to be taxed for someone elses healthcare>?
Then you are in favor of not giving the little guy a break?

I'm not in favor of shady business practices that end up in a 200 billion dollar tax payer funded bail out.


I think we've established that you won't come out against government agencies unless you personally don't like them. Don't act like you're defending the constitution.

Overseas phone calls to/from countries with known terrorist ties.

What makes you think they can just intercept overseas call to/from countries with know terrorist ties?

My health, my businhess, my choice.

You act as if it's some privacy issue. Yet when we had a recent thread talking about someone suing because their medical records ended up in public hands you didn't see what the big deal was. Contradicting yourself doesn't do much for your argument.

Say, weren't you the one going to Sri Lanka to get your appendix operated on?
I don't see many folks fleeing the US for better care.

People do go to other countries for care. However, that's not the point. The fact remains we trail many other countries in general quality of health care. The countries that lead us pretty much all have some form of universal care.

We do spend more on ours though.

So, I don't have to be taxed for someone elses healthcare>?

Other people already pay for your healthcare. I think you already admitted you've taken far more out than you'll be putting in.
blah blah blah

Other people already pay for your healthcare. I think you already admitted you've taken far more out than you'll be putting in.

Not a dollar of taxpayer money has ever been spent on me, my wife or my son.
This was the sentences.

"Other people already pay for your healthcare. I think you already admitted you've taken far more out than you'll be putting in."

But now that you've reminded me. Unemployment is tax money.

Nice dodge on the rest of the points. Got nothing eh?