How far will government intrude into your life?


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Well, ask no more.

Kudos to Judge Taggert and kudos to the appeals court.,2933,421043,00.html

Police Illegally Taped Nursing Home Sex, Wisconsin Court Rules
Thursday, September 11, 2008

MADISON, Wis. — Police who videotaped a man having sex with his comatose wife in her nursing home room violated his constitutional rights, an appeals court ruled Thursday.

David W. Johnson, 59, had an expectation to privacy when he visited his wife, a stroke victim, at Divine Savior Nursing Home in Portage, the District 4 Court of Appeals ruled. Therefore, police violated his constitutional rights against unreasonable searches when they installed a hidden video camera in the room, the court said.

"We are satisfied that Johnson's expectation of privacy while visiting his wife in her nursing home room is one that society would recognize as reasonable," the unanimous three-judge panel wrote.

The ruling means prosecutors cannot introduce the videotapes as evidence in their case against Johnson, who is charged with felony sexual assault for having intercourse with his wife without her consent at least three times in 2005.

Johnson's attorney, Christopher Kelly, said his client would visit his 54-year-old wife every day, reading her the Bible and moving her arms and legs so her muscles wouldn't atrophy.

The woman's sister is upset that prosecutors brought charges against him, Kelly said. "She believes her sister's husband was merely expressing his love for his wife and was trying everything he could to bring her back to consciousness," Kelly said.

The couple married in 1988 and had no children, Kelly said.

Kelly said he believed prosecutors would be forced to drop the charges without the evidence on the tapes and thought the appeals court made "a pretty obvious call."

Johnson's wife was admitted to the nursing home after suffering a stroke. Court records say she was unable to speak or sit up, and nursing home staff members fed, cleaned and turned her. Prosecutors say she was comatose.

Johnson visited her frequently and sometimes would close the door to her room so they could have privacy as allowed by the nursing home. But staff members tipped off police, fearing she was in danger because, they suspected, he was having sex with her.

Police obtained a search warrant to videotape the room and installed the camera, which ran for three weeks. Johnson, who is free on bail, was charged based on that evidence.

Sauk County Circuit Judge Patrick Taggart tossed out the evidence last year, ruling it stemmed from an illegal search. Prosecutors appealed, arguing Johnson had a right to privacy when he visited his wife to care for her but not when he used the room for what they contend was illegal intercourse.

The appeals court affirmed Taggart's ruling.
Umm- as far as you'll let them...
and ye'll praying 'til next Thor's Day
to all the Gods that ye can count
That's a little creepy but I suppose I do see his side of it...that maybe he did think it would help her to come back to conciousness. It's not exactly the passed out drunken chick at a party kind of assault.
'Til death do us part' ... bugger off cops. Seems to me the man's upholding Church Law as it's spelled out. Remaining faithful to his wife. No wonder the cops didn't get it.
Sex being the most wonderful, intimate coupling that can occur between a man and wife, I can see his point that she might respond to this.

This is still one more example of the authorities interfering in the most intimate aspects of our lives. Now they think they can tell us when we can have sex with our spouse.

The cops would prefer that he go out and screw some whore so they can arrest him, confiscate his car, collect a big fine, and place him into the system. Job security, ya know.

"Did you really think we want those laws observed?" said Dr. Ferris. "We want them to be broken. You'd better get it straight that it's not a bunch of boy scouts you're up against... We're after power and we mean it... There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Who wants a nation of law-abiding citizens? What's there in that for anyone? But just pass the kind of laws that can neither be observed nor enforced or objectively interpreted – and you create a nation of law-breakers – and then you cash in on guilt. Now that's the system, Mr. Reardon, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with." ('Atlas Shrugged' 1957) {WMail Issue #23}
of course the government has no business here.

nevertheless, plooking on a virtual veggie-corpse is disgusting.

hey maybe he took this opportunity to get her in the butt. because when she could talk, she always said no...

golly, extra lube on this one.
The cops would prefer that he go out and screw some whore so they can arrest him, confiscate his car, collect a big fine, and place him into the system. Job security, ya know.

You just live in some big ol' fantasy land. :rofl3:
the unconscious person who is unable to consent? well, not exactly a victim, but, shit... i just can't get over the gross thing. just doesn't seem right to be fucking somebody that is nonresponsive.

but i gotta hand it to peel for digging this shit up and taking a moral stand against those evil government coppers! i'm sure busting the "loving husband" is exactly what those guys wanna be doing on a friday night!

"honey, i'll be late tonight. yeah, i'm gonna go bust some veggie fucking perv. yep... yep, i'll pick up some chinese on the way back... uh huh, sweet and sour chicken balls, ... okay, yeah, sorry, gotta do it, if don't meet my quota for veggie-fucking pervs this month, they're gonna knock mean back to a desk job.... yup. okay, bye."
Men do it all the time, Minks. Ever hear of GHB? Or simply accosting the drunken passed out chick I referenced early. Apparently some men aren't concerned with a responsive partner....then there are the necrophiles.
Men do it all the time, Minks. Ever hear of GHB? Or simply accosting the drunken passed out chick I referenced early. Apparently some men aren't concerned with a responsive partner....then there are the necrophiles.

um, yep, i'm fully aware of how shitty some men are... whether they cover their tracks with "rufies," claim that jesus told them to fuck kids in their wack-o church compound, whatever... might be good to use them for impact testing.
Taking advantage of a drunken babe is one thing....raping a passed out drunk is quite another. Necrophilia is sick & twisted but the "victim" doesn't give a shit.