How I spent my afternoon...


New Member
I've been burning a few CDs for a friend of mine. It started out as a simple burn and scribble effort.. but as I kept going through them, I started to give them vague outlines of their original covers. I then scrambled about to find markers and pencils and such and started to do fast mock ups of the album covers. As I am using an old burner that takes about 15 an album, I tried to limit my work to 20 minutes per cd. That includes cover art, liner notes, and packaging the disc. After 15 CDs I have the most godawful cramps in my hand.


album.jpg, 105.37kb

Im having to hack these down to just passing partials because of the size limits for images.


beatles.jpg, 101.20kb

I havent done Sgt Peppers yet. I dont know how I can do it properly. It has so many small lines and crowded colors that I cant make stand out with color pencils alone. I might have to do the front row well and just make of bunch of implied grouping behind them.
If I was willing to take more than 20min per, I could do a better job... but I was always a 90mph scribbler. Its not in my nature to 'have a care'. It makes copying faces tough.
Damn nice work, man. And that's coming from the biggest Beatles fanatic you know. If we can track down a color (colour for our less New World types), copier, I might wanna make copies.
Im taking the lot off to Todds come monday. Unless you have a copier come the morning... they will be disappearing.

Im scribbling on diskies again right now. Thats why im not posting. Ive done White Zombie AstroCreep 2000.. I screwed it up a bit... not happy with it. I've also now done Pink Floyd Momentary Lapse of Reason.
Weird, I spent my afternoon (yesterday) listening to those exact same albums. :cool:

Good stuff. :headbang:
Master of Reality and Back in Black were simple and quick. The Beatles white album was mana from heaven ... 30 seconds... zip!