How long...


Staff member
...does it generally take to assemble a computer from beginning to end (not including software installation)?
About 20 minutes if the phone rings. 10 if it doesn't. I prefer to get the damn things build as fast as possible.
well, it usually takes me about 45 minutes if i'm working quick - that's from having the components still in their packaging to the first successful POST (yes, i'm confident ;))
Well, it took me about 30 minutes, but that's because I like to double check the switch connections.... I'm crap at following instructions unless there are pretty pictures with them. :)

Actually, I learnt to build one by watching someone else. I'm a visual/practical learner, not auditory, so illustrated instructions are good for me. :D
I spend the most time putting the motherboard in, being careful and all. After that, only a few minutes.

The software is what takes the most time for me.
Hardware - 10 -20mins, installation and configuration of software, roughly an hour, mostly cause windows takes ages :laugh:
I downloaded a whole long thing from HWC for the first one I built (that's how I found out about the whole message board thing) and it took me hours. I was so afraid I was going to break something.

Rusty's parts for his new pc should be coming in soon, we'll see how long it takes this time. But I'm with Steve, I take my time, no reason not to.
I walk away during the install of the OS. Just insert the OEM PreInstallation CD, the WinPE floppy and the network cable. Installs XP over the network while I'm doing other things. Wonderful piece of software.