How many of you have really done hardcore dope?


I mean really gotten deep in....I used to smoke weed to the exception of other things in my life. That progressed to everything from heroin to being a heavy speed freak, staying awake and wired for weeks at a time. It brought me to the point of utter despair, and I lost everything many times over due to dope. I have been clean over 4 years now. Fortunately I have never been a drinker so I can get away a few beers now and again, but thats as far as I go. I was just wondering how many of you, if any have been there, done that and got the t-shirt like me.
Starting about 10th grade is when I started smoking weed. Stayed a part of my life for nearly 10 years, sometimes just a little part, sometimes my whole life. I quit about 6 years ago, when I realized I had spent half my rent money on an ounce, smoked half of it in one weekend, and woke up late Monday afternoon, about 6 hours late for work. Haven't touched it since. Never tried anything else, no coke, speed, nothing. Also never drank much, have an occasional beer now and then, but usually no more than a couple.

Some people say that weed isn't addictive, I'll be the first to say it is, there isn't a week that goes by that I wouldn't love to twist up a fatty.
the only "drugs" i have consumed are cigarrettes (and cigars) and alcohol.

i quit smoking, and i'm a ocassional drinker :D
The one thing I never got to was shooting dope....I snorted and smoked my heroin and speed....thank god I never went's to hoping I never do. I believe once an addict, always an addict. Beleive it or not AA and NA were a big part of my quitting....I don't go anymore hardly, but I am grateful it was there.
I have tried just about everything once, smoke weed occasionaly, not addicted, had an uncle who died due to liver poisioning by drinking died at 23 or 24, i only drink now and then.
virgin here. never really wanted to try it. Sticks with his homemade wine.
weed and shrooms. thats it. unless tobacco anad alchol count. but i quit all that. lets see the weed and cigs were about 4 months now(and its awful someone mail me a pack of marlboros please!!) and i onyl did shrooms once. other than that nothing and i aint going back.
I didn't do any drugs until I was 22 yrs old. It was a point of pride for me that I had resisted peer pressure and kept myself out of that scene. When I did start doing drugs it was a decision I made due to certain ideas I had encountered in my reading. Specifically, I had read Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse, and the books of Carlos Castaneda. One of the stupidest ideas that has ever lodged in my head was that I might be able to find enlightenment by screwing with my brain.

Anyway, during that time I tried pot, acid and coke. I was never addicted to any of them, and never did any drug on a daily basis. After just a little over a year, though, I decided that I could do one of two things. I could either get out of it altogether, or I could keep going like I was and end up deep into it. I didn't see being able to hold a middle ground, so I chose to get out of it.

That was about sixteen years ago. Since then I've had a few tokes of pot, but that's a rare occurrence. I drink on occasion, but rarely more than one or two of whatever I'm having. A six pack of beer can last me a week, easily. I'm sure that there are people who can approach pot in that same way. It was always my least favorite drug, though.

For the record, I favor legalization of all drugs. I consider it a personal moral decision.
Professur said:


Does anyone ever quit doing drugs because of a feeling of weakness, letting a drug dictate your physical and mental state? Or the moral aspect of it? It seems most people only stop because of other mitigating factors... Physical problems, having it affect other areas of their life... Whereas if it didn't affect other areas of their lives, there would be no reason to stop? I guess like most things, most people only get concerned with things when they feel the disadvantages of it.

Btw, the state of Nevada is contemplating the legaliztion of pot:
I've never done any drugs, from cigarettes to alcohol. I don't drink, don't smoke, and don't mess my brain/body up. I just don't get the pleasure out of those things...

About legalization of drugs, well, I don't really know. I haven't made a decision on that topic yet. What about serious mind altering drugs? You are literally not in control of yourself and can easily go and kill someone and then claim you are not responsible.
I favor legalization, or at least de-criminalization as well. It sure isn't doing anyone any good for drugs to be illegal, except those who profit from the high profit margin, induced by the illegality. The war on drugs is a lost cause, and people will always do them. I also favor heavy education and prevention.
LastLegionary said:
About legalization of drugs, well, I don't really know. I haven't made a decision on that topic yet. What about serious mind altering drugs? You are literally not in control of yourself and can easily go and kill someone and then claim you are not responsible.

My response would be that when you take the drug you're responsible for whatever you do while on the drug. Note that causing a traffic accident while drunk makes you more liable for the accident, rather than less liable. The same would be true for drugs.

As for killing someone while on drugs, I can only speak about the effect of acid. It doesn't alter a person's fundamental moral character, but it does short-circuit the reasoning mind and it intensifies emotional responses. A person with no murderous impulses would not suddenly grab a gun and go out and kill someone, but in a difficult situation he could very easily make the wrong decision. I'm speaking here of a single use. Over a long period of time, repeatedly shutting down one's mind will have an effect on one's moral character, whether it is done by drugs or otherwise.

I can't say that I never had a good time while on drugs, but I can say that I regret having done them and wish I never had. There's an innocence that I lost that I can never get back. At the time, I didn't value it the way I should have.
Thanks Ards... Now I will avoid it even more. Never smoked before, never done ANY drug before (except caffeine), and I haven't had alcohol in 12 years (last time was on my sixth birthday).
markjs said:
I also favor heavy education and prevention.

These days we teach our children to do drugs. Here's how to raise a drug user:

1) Teach him that reason is okay for figuring out how to attach widgets to doo-hickeys, but when it comes to the really important questions of life reason is impotent.

2) Teach him that how he feels is more important than what he thinks.

3) Teach him that what other people feel is more important than what he feels-- the most important thing in life is to be able to get along well with other people.

4) Teach him that pride, especially pride in his own morality, is arrogance and no one likes an arrogant person.

5) Teach him that the pursuit of personal happiness is amoral, if not immoral-- morality consists of self-sacrifice.
Legalization is a good thing. 6 months of idiocy & then all the addicts die off & we live in peace. I'm not Ted "I've never touched a drug in my life" Nugent, but pretty close. I loved my liquor (vodka, ta kill ya, or beer) and I've powdered my nose once or twice & never saw a reason to spend umpteen amounts of money on something that disappears almost immediately & leaves you with nothing but wanting more. Let the addicts follow the evolutionary path into oblivion.
Weed,heroine, valium, shrooms,acid,PCP, ketamine,X,all kind of opiates, all kinds of speed(legal and illegal), cola, dramamine, Nutmeg, passionflower, morning glory seeds, BZP(Benzylpiperazine),opium,DXM(dextromethorphan),lotsa liquor, lotsa sigs, and lotsa weed again. Used to smoke about 1/2ounce a day of jamaican green bud for 2 years with 8 ball a week of speed and 12 pack of Bud a night, 2 packs of sigs a day. Those were the days.I was basically dead. A regular Hunter S. Thompson type trip. Spent 3 months in treatment. Have not went back. Took on 5~7 cops. I am not a small dude. I can bench 300lbs. They were scared as also I. Ended up with my feet on the jail cell ceiling . Bled 2 pints of black blood on the jail floor. Hand cuffed nekid to the wall!

That was in 1997, going on 5 years clean now. WOW has it been that long!