How many pages is too many?


molṑn labé
Staff member
I was just perusing the news sites & noticed the European Union Constition has been signed by some twenty five states. "Cool", thought I, "maybe I should go read it".

That sumbitch, in pdf format is 325 pages.

Guys, we're still fighting over what ours says & it's only 7 Articles. No wonder you fought all those wars, it takes too long to talk.
Gonz said:
I was just perusing the news sites & noticed the European Union Constition has been signed by some twenty five states. "Cool", thought I, "maybe I should go read it".

That sumbitch, in pdf format is 325 pages.

Guys, we're still fighting over what ours says & it's only 7 Articles. No wonder you fought all those wars, it takes too long to talk.

I did the exact same thing yesterday. Many people didn't hear about it as it was drowned out by Osama, Sharon and the other big stories of the day. Not only is it a 300+ page document but a 300+ page legal document. It'll be two years before we even comprehend the repercussions & contents of this constitution. Should be very interesting though.
There seems to be a lot of this kind of jargon,

Rights recognised by this Charter for which provision is made in other Parts of the
Constitution shall be exercised under the conditions and within the limits defined by these relevant Parts

I'm on page 85 and slipping into a coma...
This is as far as I had to get to relaize this is trouble. Hell, we only assume freedom of movement & look at the trouble it causes. You now have teh right to run from the local law.

The free movement of persons, services, goods and capital, and freedom of establishment shall be guaranteed within and by the Union, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution.