How many times


Well-Known Member
Did you write 2004, or '04 on your checks, and other papers this year,
before you got used to 2005...'05?

How long will it take you to get used to writing '06 ?

I probably ruined about 5 checks last year.....
A 5 is easier to change to a 6 though, than a 4 to a 5. :nerd:
i usually dont start having that problem till about May. takes about a week or so to get back on the right year.
I don't write many checks anymore, usually only 5 a month so I don't think it'll be to hard to remember....but at least it's like Cat said, it shouldn't be too hard to change a 5 to a 6.
I date a lot of things wrong in the first little bit of the year (mostly school notes and assignments). This year will be exceptionally bad I predict because we start school again Jan 3...not much time to get used to the change. The only montly cheque I write it for rent and my landlord has all of those up until April already and I'm moving out in April so I'm safe there. Any cheques I end up writing here or there will probably be OK since I'll be careful with the date, it's only when they're in bulk that I would mess up.
Excel defaults to the current year. For example, typing 12-31 into a cell today defaults to 12-31-06. I spend more time modifying December dates in spreadsheets back to 2005 than I do catching errors on '06 dates.
I do it all the time when i'm filling out deposit forms at the bank. Plus normally the date is right in front of me and i still do it.
ekahs retsam said:
I do it all the time when i'm filling out deposit forms at the bank. Plus normally the date is right in front of me and i still do it.

Who fills out deposit forms anymore?? ATM baby!
Not for a deposit. If they decide you made an error, you've got no real recourse. If you do a counter deposit, you watch the teller count it, and you got a name.