How much would you pay for the perfect pussy?

tank girl

New Member
It's not what you think :p

I heard about this the other day and thought it was ridiculous...$50,000 for a cloned cat? :rolleyes: how many billions of strays have to be killed off each year?

First cloned pet revives ethical debate

* 14:19 23 December 2004
* news service
* Will Knight

The first cloned-to-order pet has been delivered by a US company, reigniting
debate over the ethics of commercial cloning.

The 9-week-old kitten, named Little Nicky, was cloned for a woman in Texas, to replace a 17-year-old pet cat called Nicky, which died in 2003. She paid for $50,000 for her new pet

Figures; shes from Texas... :D What do you think about cloning??
oooh a clone of Jamie O.. that would would definately take off I'm sure

: "One in every woman's "kitchen"... by 2025???" ? ;)
Cloning will create more problems than it will solve. We can already procreate. Why do we need multiples of an original?
I don't need a clone, I'm good with hiring the existing one for a temp gig.

As far as animals go, it's on the same level of wrong as it is with people. We know not what we do.
As I recall, N.Z scientists cloned dolly the sheep, and she died prematurely of old age or cancer or something.

Its freaky business, I don't agree with it either - interfering with DNA like that.
My lil' bro said that clones are more prone to that sort of thing because they're taken from DNA that has already started to 'grow old' and so it speeds up the process.

but then everyone knows that I'm no scientist, so I don't know if I got the right gist of that ;)

They say that the first cloned humans have already been born too :eh: