how the %(%*# did i catch that same virus agaiN>????


New Member
the w32.spybot.worm... i got it again. somehow. twice. again. now.

scanning system.

will quarrantine/delete.

but.... why the hell did i get it AGAIN???

and how can i make sure it never comes back???
and if you're wondering what i'm doing when i get it...

i just leave my comp for a bit, and when i come back, there it is.
not running kazaa.
can't think of how i got it in the first place.
No I posted in your other thread about it... Its a persistant little shit I think it may be bound to one of the proggies or maybe is being secretly uploaded by kazaa! I'm going to break it down when I get home today checking some system files, registry, and if all else fails the good ole format C:
Some of those virii you get off kazaa stay quiet and unnoticed until you attempt to access the file then when accessed they immidiately plant themselves within the windows temp directory as a .tmp file which is read only. Antivirus apps can't do anything about read only files without restarting the machine and scanning the file before winows has a chance to access it. one way to take care of the is to scan your kazaa folder and make sure it's clean and then restart your machine in safe mode and delete all your tmp files.