How to thouroughly piss off your supervisor...


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
Step one:

Listen intently to a process. take notes, and nod your head a lot. Once I leave, totally ignore the process as stated, and wing it. It can't be that hard. :shrug:

Step two:

When I return, try to hide the fact that you ignored my instructions by attempting to read the notes. I won't notice the foul-up because I don't know what I'm doing, remember?

Step three:

Act as though you are totally innocent when I put both feet into your ass when I discover the screw-up you did...even though you did your best to cover it up.

Step four:

Get another, higher ranking, supervisor to give you a task so I have to fix your screw-up. Then, when we both jump your shit for being stupid, act like you can't understand a word we're saying...

Yes...I fucked up. I actually believed that the 3 people I had doing the baggage detail would follow instructions while I took a lunch break. Silly me. Now I have to go back through the 'work' they did, and find all of their mistakes. I know there are at least 10, just from looking at the paperwork. Now we have to figure out a suitable detail for the three stooges...something nasty. :banghead: Today is not a good day. :grumpy:
I don't understand Mitch...

The AAF has access to fire arms right?

There's your supervisory problems solved....

*Gato pressing muzzle of gun into worker's temple*
"Repeat after me!... Check bag... enter details in CAPITALS on the script... put bag into relevant area... Mmmmkay?"

:D :p
Gato_Solo said:
Step one:

Listen intently to a process. take notes, and nod your head a lot. Once I leave, totally ignore the process as stated, and wing it. It can't be that hard. :shrug:

Step two:

When I return, try to hide the fact that you ignored my instructions by attempting to read the notes. I won't notice the foul-up because I don't know what I'm doing, remember?

Step three:

Act as though you are totally innocent when I put both feet into your ass when I discover the screw-up you did...even though you did your best to cover it up.

Step four:

Get another, higher ranking, supervisor to give you a task so I have to fix your screw-up. Then, when we both jump your shit for being stupid, act like you can't understand a word we're saying...

Yes...I fucked up. I actually believed that the 3 people I had doing the baggage detail would follow instructions while I took a lunch break. Silly me. Now I have to go back through the 'work' they did, and find all of their mistakes. I know there are at least 10, just from looking at the paperwork. Now we have to figure out a suitable detail for the three stooges...something nasty. :banghead: Today is not a good day. :grumpy:
So, what did you finally land them with?
maybe they sent them to some country
no one is even allowed to mention
made em live inna tent
and wear body armor?