Well-Known Member
I lost my subscription to The New Republic this month and it has a really interesting article that i can only get the first paragraph of. In the long run i don't think any of this will make any difference as Bush will win the presidency for a second term followed by Hillary in 08' and Dean will by that point be broke & broken.
Sorry i couldn't post the entire article but i thought this little tidbit might still interest some of you.
Howard Dean's religion problem.
Beyond Belief
by Franklin Foer
Post date 12.22.03 | Issue date 12.29.03
Talk to sensible Howard Dean supporters these days, and they'll tell you that the former governor's campaign to date has been a grand sleight of hand. Sure, it has harnessed Bush hatred and antiwar fervor. But the real Dean isn't a frothing lefty like his supporters; he's a closet centrist. Once he finishes exploiting the left's anger to seal the nomination, he will reveal his true self, elegantly pivoting to the middle. As The Washington Post's Dan Balz and Jim VandeHei put it in early December, "[Dean] has provided [himself] ample room to modify his image."...
Here's the article from the times that Foer referred to.
Sorry i couldn't post the entire article but i thought this little tidbit might still interest some of you.
Howard Dean's religion problem.
Beyond Belief
by Franklin Foer
Post date 12.22.03 | Issue date 12.29.03
Talk to sensible Howard Dean supporters these days, and they'll tell you that the former governor's campaign to date has been a grand sleight of hand. Sure, it has harnessed Bush hatred and antiwar fervor. But the real Dean isn't a frothing lefty like his supporters; he's a closet centrist. Once he finishes exploiting the left's anger to seal the nomination, he will reveal his true self, elegantly pivoting to the middle. As The Washington Post's Dan Balz and Jim VandeHei put it in early December, "[Dean] has provided [himself] ample room to modify his image."...
Here's the article from the times that Foer referred to.