HTML assistance, por favor


New Member
So I am playing with HTML again.
I have been using backgrounds in my ebay listings. I use them behind the listing designers that ebay offers at .10 a pop.
Tonight I got to thinking that there must be a way to create a square of solid color in the middle of the page (on top of the background) where my descriptions (the words) would be.
This would help me to save a little bit of money every month, it all adds up.
Does anyone know how I would go about doing that?
Simply create a table in the middle of the page, and you can make each cell have a differnet background color or background image. where you have <td width=250> or whatever, add bgcolor="#ffffff" between the < and the > to make the background white (#ffffff is the hex code for white, although newer browsers will probably all get "bgcolor=white" right... but they might misinterpret fuschia or periwinkle or stuff like that, whereas all browsers interpret hex codes the same).
I use those color codes for my script all the time so I know what you are talking about in that respect.
<td width=250> is something that I do not recognize.
How do I create a table?

I tried to create a table using <table>My text here</table> but no success. What am I missing? The ebay book I have has such a small section on HTML and the table section is half a paragraph and might as well be written in greek. my table and table border but I can't get the table background to be a different color...and I still didn't use a td width...
<table width="90%">
<tr bgcolor="#090909"><td>First row, first column</td><td>First row, second column</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><td>Second row, first column</td><td>Second row, second column</td></tr>

<tr> indicates a row and <td> indicates a column. That table will be rendered using 90% of the available width, or you can put a number without the % symbol to specify pixels.

Also, when you put the colours in hex format (i.e. you count from 0 to 15, but use A,B,C,D,E and F after 9), the first two digits mean the red intensity, the 3rd and 4th the green and the last two the blue.
Thanks, Luis...that is a bit more in depth than I am used to but I will refer to it as I get more used to tables :)
I finished my first test listing. I still used the 10 cent listing designer but I like my first attempt. I also figured out for myself how to change the border color :nerd:
This is the test listing if anyone wants to critique the table.
BTW, the .10 listing designer is the swirly border bits but the base background is my coding.
Thanks, Luis! I'll peruse that during naptime or after the football game!
It's frustrating but I seem to be picking it up okay...and after a while it slowly starts to make sense :)