hug your kids


Staff member
this is my friend's girlfriend :( just a shocking turn of events...she dropped them off for visitation, and *poof* her whole family is gone :eh:

[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]At a time when most of us are preparing to join friends and family in holiday festivities, Colleen Ouellette is watching old home videos in disbelief. She still hasn’t recovered from the shock of a tragic car crash that claimed her entire family.

On Thursday, the grief-stricken woman was preparing for a memorial service for Scott, 17, Tracy 16, Steven 13, Kevin 9, and her ex-husband Jerry, all killed in an accident during a snowstorm November 30th.

“One day at a time is all I’m doing right now,” she said bravely, before adding, “Make sure you give your kids a hug all the time because you don't know. That was my whole family. That was it. Just like that, they were all taken from me.”

The day that turned all too horrific began routinely enough. Colleen did the same thing she's been doing every other weekend for the past six years. She dropped her kids off in Gravenhurst where her ex-husband picked them up to drive back up to North Bay. They got as far as a small town called South River, when their Ford Taurus collided with a transport truck head-on, killing all five of them instantly.

“I still don't believe it. It hasn't sunk in. I was supposed to pick the kids up on December 21st and they were with me for a week for Christmas, and I think on that day…it's going to be really, really tough.”

“I've got five angels,” she concluded, her words lingering in the silence of her empty home.
That has always been a fear of mine. Some kind of single stroke accident that ends up cutting a swath of destruction through the entire bloodline.

That sucks big time.
it is so traumatic for a parent to bury their child. I am so sorry to her. and dammit they died young too. poor thing. :crying4:
Wow, that poor woman! I hope she finds the strength to go on from day to day.

I can't imagine something like that happening to me. Knew a girl at varsity who's entire family got wiped out in an airplane crash. If I think back at how she was before and after that accident....two totally different people.
That is awful. I read it to one of my co-workers. He got goosebumps, I got teary eyed. What an awful thing to happen to a whole family. I don't know what I would do with myself. God bless her for her strenght. I probably would have lost it.
it's horrendous :(

I haven't met this lady...but I heard about this when it originally happened...and I still just cannot get my head around the enormity of what she's's just mind-boggling :eh:
Oh that poor woman.... :crying4:
Always hug ny children quit a few times a day and tell them I Love Them. From me and family members also.
awww....I feel bad for them all.....I get to see my children next week.....there will definately be a lot of hugging ging on!!
chatty kathy said:
awww....I feel bad for them all.....I get to see my children next week.....there will definately be a lot of hugging ging on!!
:crying4: :crying4: :crying4: :crying4: :crying4: Hug and kiss them for me too Kat - ESPECIALLY MOMY. The biggest one ever and tell her I Love Her More :crying4: And I miss her. I wish I could go.....
awww...we will talk her into comming for the week of spring break here....she will be here for that week and she will love being around you and the boys....Hows that sound????
How could i have missed this? This is so sad.....:(:(:(:(:( I'll be thinking of her... Kat, give them a hug from me.