HUH???help a newbie please


Well-Known Member
Why do i have to log in everytime i want to reply. At every other step it asks me to log in. When i do log in it says no thread specified leaving my post defunct.
Also does one have t opay to get his/her Avatar because i see no option to upload a pic for a avatar or a list of premade avatars. Thanks for any help
Well too bad

Ok so this really getting annoying. What do you have to pay just to post in any other forum. I am sorry for wasting your guys would have been nice to be a member here but i guess that won't happen. Nice to see smart, perky people here and good bye.

BTW...this account maybe deleted if wished by the mods.
I guess 8 minutes was just too fucking long to wait, huh? Oh well. :wave:
OK, your log in problem is probalby cookies. Delete yours and try again. If you can do it, just delete the ones that say otcentral, otherwise, delete em all. The avatar comes after 30 posts, for FREE even.
I wonder if he was browsing with cookies....Good thing he didn't see how long the line is for the free blowjobs...:retard:
*feels like a dick*

I rushed i am sorry:( ...forgive me if possible

Ok let's try again with those cookiess shall we...let me try to post somewhere

BTW thank you for the responses
well i'll be a dozzie in my dang fiddlestick...the browser was the problem..huh? go figure...thank you Squiggy
Why do i have to log in everytime i want to reply. At every other step it asks me to log in. When i do log in it says no thread specified leaving my post defunct.

I have the same problem too-- so you have to have the cookies enabled to reply to a message? 'Splains a lot, Lucey. :p Lemme try again, bwhahahaha.
is the url of this board ?

You might have followed an old link (subdomain) and cookies won't work right with a different hostname.