Huh? WTF???

I'd read about that earlier. This oipens up a whole new can of worms.

Read the third story on that page, the one about the 11-year-old in Cleveland being held up at gunpoint for his lunch money. For some reason, I just can't get over this quote:

Darby then ran home and told his mom, who said her son is an unlikely target.

"Look at his shoes," she said. "They're K-Swiss. They're not Jordans."
I don't know why I find that so funny, but I do. :D
k...I have done this...but never ever got out of bed to do it. I just can't see this being pulled off by a sleepwalker. *am one, as are my kids)
Hmm... The weirdest thing I've done in my sleep, that I know of, is wake the BF to point out my bruises. Fuck only knows why I did that. :confused: Do sleep orgasms count?
It didnt say anything about her getting paid? Did she? If she did , didnt she wonder where she was getting the $$$ from?
I think its all BS!!!!!!!!!!! :lloyd:
I would've went for it maybe...I could've possibly seen it...if it werent' for the fact that she was actually going to the store and buying condoms for it?!

Leslie said:
k...I have done this...but never ever got out of bed to do it. I just can't see this being pulled off by a sleepwalker. *am one, as are my kids)

You had sex in your sleep?!? :confused: Not that I'd mind, but isn't that just a little bit, well, bizarre?
including the unexplained presence of condoms around the house

Gee, where ever did these come from? :roll_my_fucking eyes_in_ignorance:

You would think the guy what have gotten a clue with the first condom, I mean, after all, he is the one who is supposed to be wearing the friggin thing! To have several laying around?!?

Ok pal, time to dislodge the stupid rock in your head.

Let's just hope they were unused.