

Annoying SOB
Is anyone seeing this at the bottom of their screens?

Page generated in 0.08257 seconds with 10 queries.
Executed 10 queries . (Template Usage) (Explain)
(Page Generated in 0.08266 Seconds) showsignatures = 1 showavatars = 1 showimages = 1 coppauser = 0 adminemail = 1 insouth = 0 dstauto = 1 dstonoff = 1 showemail = 1 invisible = 0 showreputation = 1 receivepm = 1 emailonpm = 0 hasaccessmask = 0 emailnotification = 0 postorder = 0 QUERY: is the user a moderator (any forum)? (unspecified) fetch_permissions(9, 272, 19,''); -> cached fperms for forum 9 QUERY: is the user a moderator (any forum)? QUERY: is the user a moderator (any forum)?

Template Usage
footer (1)
forumrules (1)
gobutton (1)
header (1)
headinclude (1)
navbar (1)
navbar_link (1)
newpost_attachment (1)
newpost_disablesmiliesoption (1)
newpost_messagearea_standard (1)
newpost_smilie_standard (15)
newpost_smiliebox (1)
newpost_smiliebox_category (1)
newpost_smiliebox_row (5)
newthread (1)
phpinclude_start (1)
posticonbit (15)
posticons (1)
timezone (1)
username_loggedin (1)
vbcode_color_options (1)
vbcode_font_options (1)
vbcode_size_options (1)
I believe it's in debug mode, though I could be incorrect. It shows that OTC loads quickly with very few queries. :D
I believe the "Page generated in 0.08257 seconds with 10 queries." part is always there

As for the rest of it...I have NO idea
sorry the queries part got dragged in a mass copy and past effort...the rest is what I was on about
Yes. :beerbang:

I'm looking around for unoptimized queries that I can kill, in the hopes of getting the page generation time at its lowest, and to do that I need debug mode on, but the problem is, there are no queries that take very long, it's the PHP code that's most of the page generation. I turned debug mode off for now. :beerbang:
I think the numbers look low already. Page load time is rather swift here.

What do I win for getting it right? :nanabang:
Can I have a full frontal hump for knowing the query line thing is always there??? :D

*looks hopeful*