Human or alien?


Well-Known Member
WTF???? How?

How?..How?..How is he doing this?....He is not human. The video camera couldn't keep with his fingering....thats not human. The camera couldn't record fast enough to capture his movements...and what it did capture was way is this guy for real.

The guy is simply a god...Jason Becker...hats off to you. Sad part is he has ALS and can't play anymore...At 23 he got inflicted with ALS. He still writes music but can't play, what a shame.

I don't know..Jimmy Page is good but now I am thinking that he may not be the best. In the videos he is only showing his technical ability...listen to his album Perpetual burn and see what I mean.

I mean guitar players have their styles that set them apart so who is the best guitar player is really a matter of choice and preference but this guy is just plain sick and he is in his teens in those videos. Simply incredible.
aw :( sad about the ALS. I thought hubby had it at one point and did some research on it, utterly horrific.

and he's prolly for real. the truly gifted can do amazing things with instruments.
I haven't listened yet so I can't compare but the absolute most proficient guitar player I've ever heard would be Steve Vai - speed & versatility. Then again there's also Al DiMeola.
Gonz said:
I haven't listened yet so I can't compare but the absolute most proficient guitar player I've ever heard would be Steve Vai - speed & versatility. Then again there's also Al DiMeola.

Yeah Vai is a demon but watch this kid...did you see the videos on his site? He is hitting like 16 notes a second and he is just demonstrating...he didn't even break a sweat.

I believe the highest Vai ever hit is 20 notes a second. He can easily topple Vai in technical ability but we'll never know because he doesn't have the ability to anymore. You must admit..incredible for a 18 year old.

Perpetual burn is incredible.