husband or another child?!?


New Member
let me rant as i down my coffee this sleep-deprived morning ...

my 3-yo son decides at 2 this morning that he's ready for the day, wide awake. my husband, who is off from work on thursdays, volunteers to "take care of it" and takes my son to the living room.

i guess my version of "take care of it" and his version differs slightly.

my husband turns on all the lights plus the tv and proceeds to fall back asleep on the couch. meanwhile, my son is getting more stimulated from all the light and his laughter and playing wakes me up at 3am.

i get up, turn off the tv and lights, rock my son to sleep and he's out cold 20 minutes later.

*sigh* if that were it, i'd be happy.

in a moment of extreme grouchiness, my husband wakes up from the couch at 6:30 while I'm getting ready for work. he walks into the bedroom and wakes my son up. his theory? if my son wakes him up from sleep at 2, he has a right to wake my son up from sleep at 6.

*sigh* so this morning, i have to deal with a grouchy husband and cranky son.
Your husband is being childish - lol. You need to have a little itty bitty chat with that man :)
That's why us men decline such responsabilities to the most suitable person ;)
LOL ... sorry for laughing, Trace .. it just kinda sounds like something his dad would do .. or has done ... you just shoulda put Brala in bed with Ka'ehu LOL
Well, are we talking about spanking as punishment or not? That would determine the other answer.

Yes, we're talking punishment. Of course if the punishee turned out to like the punishment it would not have the desired effect, but what the heck.
Your husband is being childish - lol. You need to have a little itty bitty chat with that man :)

:lol: little itty bitty chat would be putting it nicely.

*handonhip men!! you're always siding together :p

(...and because I'm sure Nix would give me permission ...)