Hypocrisy at its finest


Southern Discomfort
from tonguetied.us

The UK's media regulator has ruled that use of the phrase "poor white trash" by an Asian soap opera character is an acceptable use of racist language, reports the Guardian.

Ofcom admitted that the term had "obvious racist overtones," but justified its use on ITV's Coronation Street to described folks from "a lower socio-economic group." More than 500 viewers complained to the agency about the use of the term.

Ofcom said it was important that TV dramas were able to reflect modern society and to "raise potentially controversial subjects such as race from differing perspectives."


So. Oriental is awful. Can't say anything about a Muslim. Anything not sanctioned by the NAACP is out, and then they'll change the list to make what you said wrong. But this is OK.

I want some of our PC defenders to speak up on this one. I really want to hear the spin.

"Raising potentially controversial subjects such as race from differing perspectives"...translation: do as I say, not as I do. What a load of shit.
Racism is racism, bullshit is bullshit. Somehow whites are not as protected. I believe all people are equal, so if people can say poor white trash, anything about any race can be said. I would worry more about the context of someone saying something about blacks, hispanics, Pagans, Muslims, Jews et al.
freako104 said:
I would worry more about the context of someone saying something about blacks, hispanics, Pagans, Muslims, Jews et al.

Why? Is equal not equal? Is the hatred of whites by other races somehow less real?
freako104 said:
Somehow whites are not as protected.

Don't tell the mainstrream media but freak has hit on something
WASHINGTON – The most likely victim of a hate crime in the U.S. is a poor, young, white, single urban dweller, according to an analysis of Justice Department statistics collected from between July 2000 and December 2003.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Why? Is equal not equal? Is the hatred of whites by other races somehow less real?

No not at all. I may not have been completely clear, for that I apologise.

the et al means and others. I was trying to include all races and religions in there but I didnt have the time, nor capacity to type them all out. Hatred of any race is still hate. Equal should be equal but in this day and age, it seems to be some are more equal than others (which somehow doesnt mean to me equality)
SouthernN'Proud said:
Why? Is equal not equal? Is the hatred of whites by other races somehow less real?
It's less real because it's a SOAP OPERA. In fact it's not real at all. Actors are sometimes required to use slurs, stereotypes, be bigots, intolerant, commit hate crimes, or even portray Nazis when it's part of the story.

In fact I've even seen actors play thieves, pimps, rapists, and murderers.
You were defending muslims rioting about those cartoons, were you not?
If you can't make that connection man, just forget it.