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I am watching a TV show on TLC where everyweek they feature a different family with 12 or more children. The family this week has 13 kids, the two oldest the mother had before she met her current husband (and father of the youngest 11 kids). They kicked out the oldest of the 13 because at 18 she was making bad choices and they didn't want her to be a bad influence on her younger siblings...OK, that's understandable, I don't think it's the BEST solution but I understand the reasoning behind it. What I don't understand is that part of the reason they were furious is because she had a bf (at 18, her mother was 15 when she had her)...then after the oldest girl moved out she got pregnant and the family pretty much disowned her...that's so friggin' hypocritical!! I can understand the mother not wanting her child to make the same mistakes she made but how can you disown a child for making the EXACT same mistake that you made in your younger years?? UGH I'm not even gonna get into how it seems the kids spend more time helping around the house than being "home schooled" and that they had so many kids (all single births except the youngest are twins) and really don't seem like they can afford them...I mean, people get divorced and end up with blended families which are large, or they have multiples and end up with more kids than they planned and you deal with that...but they admitted than money was tight when they had 6 kids...yet they just kept popping them out...I don't think that's fair to the kids.

Well, I smoked a lot of pot as a teenager. (I know, hard to believe, as I make so much sense now...), anyway, I still kicked my 17 year old boys ass for smoking it last year.... I also take away his cigs everytime I find them, and I'm still smoking a pack a day.
No, most people would turn it off...I just can't turn it off though, it's like a train wreck...you don't wanna see it but you can't help it!
Well, I smoked a lot of pot as a teenager. (I know, hard to believe, as I make so much sense now...), anyway, I still kicked my 17 year old boys ass for smoking it last year.... I also take away his cigs everytime I find them, and I'm still smoking a pack a day.

Yes, you do not want him to make the same mistakes, and you try to stop them when you catch them making those mistakes...but you don't kick them out and disown them!!!!
oh, he just said that maybe at their celebration next year (they have to have one big birthday party because they can't afford to have one for every kid) they'd have #14...wtf is wrong with these people?!
Yes, you do not want him to make the same mistakes, and you try to stop them when you catch them making those mistakes...but you don't kick them out and disown them!!!!
I came damn close, luckily he saw that keeping clean was alot easier than living on his own. But I'm serious, it came damn close....

I guess all I can say is that there is probably alot more to the story than they're going to fit in the half hour progam and still redo their home.
I came damn close, luckily he saw that keeping clean was alot easier than living on his own. But I'm serious, it came damn close....

I guess all I can say is that there is probably alot more to the story than they're going to fit in the half hour progam and still redo their home.

They're not redoing their home, they're throwing a party.

Anyway, you'd think that they'd have to portray them in the best light possible...

Oh, and breaking the law by smoking pot and getting pregnant by having sex when you're over 18 and already living on your own aren't quite the same thing...one is illegal and one is perfectly legal...if the girl is supporting herself I don't see how it's her parent's place to disown her.
Oh and the mother said she was a bad mother when the oldest was young because she didn't know how to be a good mother...and she attributes that as part of the reason the oldest rebelled...she partially blames herself and yet still disowns her...hypocritical!
I dunno...I just get the impression the father is super religous and the oldest is going against his beliefs and so he's angry...I know I don't know the whole story but the way it's portrayed ain't good. They say she hangs out with people who aren't good for the rest of the kids...does that mean they can't invite her over for dinner or for christmas or something?? Just her and her child...I doubt her 2 y/o baby is the "bad ocmpany" she's keeping.
Hypocrit....do as I say, not as I do.

Teacher....do as I say, not as I did.
Well, I smoked a lot of pot as a teenager. (I know, hard to believe, as I make so much sense now...), anyway, I still kicked my 17 year old boys ass for smoking it last year.... I also take away his cigs everytime I find them, and I'm still smoking a pack a day.

I still light up now and again. I don't see what's wrong with pot. People blame pot too much. It's not the pot, it's the person. It's not the alcohol, it's the person. Some people handle, some don't.