I´m back ...


Well-Known Member
I'm back ...

WOOHOO!!!! I'm back from LA ... had a great time ... met a lot of new geeks .. I mean, people ... learned a lot of crap .. drank a lot of beer :)

What'd I miss?
oh yeah ... when I was in line at LAX, I saw the greatest band in the world! .. I know, I couldn't believe it either but there they were .. larger than life ... holy phreaking cow, that moment will be etched in my mind forphreakingevr!

oh yeah .. and we say Jennifer Love Hewitt in Santa Monica ... bfd ... [/siz] :D
Welcome back! What did you miss? We just had our 1,000,000th post. j/k:p
welcome back na, glad you had a good time!

s4 is kidding, it's justin whose just got to 1gazillion posts ;)
Originally posted by kuulani
Semi-pesonally speaking, Jennifer Love Hewitt is a snobby stuck-up bitch. :D

*hands ku'u a spell-checker* :D

*agrees with ku'u yeah .. you know that bounce in her step she's got on tv? She's got it in RT too .. it's irriphreakingtating as hell. :D